14-16 November 2023

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I come to decide I will return around 25 or 26, day before new registeration for new semester.

Instead of staying at home, I should go out with dad to his work or meet. But he is an agent of a company. And usually does work by himself and talks to customers. I afraid that I might bother him. But it's still a way to spend time, To think of it. I spent enough time with my brother. I should spend more with dad and mom.

Nothing much going on at home but at early morning I was woke up to pay visit with grandparents before my mom take them to hospital somewhere far away. At somewhere nearby to eat, I was very tired because lack of hours sleep. So I took a big nap at the afternoon when Im back home, when I woke up at evening. I noticed my dad came back and Brother playing PlayStation5 again. Since my dad is exhausted. Instead of going out to eat, we ordered RM50 3 person meal of McDonald by Delivery.

My dad came up with an idea to improve the celebration of my grandmother's birthday. To buy him cake and give her red packets. Although the money was prepared under my dad's but still want us to present it as us because my dad said my grandmother likes gifts from my father's son instead of himself.

Although there arent much options for the cake at the shop since most were sold out for the day. We went with Carrot Slice, pretty much a rare pick for a cake but it's nice. Ever since I got this new phone. Photography is slowly become my interests and take more pictures. Thought about it as I take picture when my grandmother is slicing the cake with others.

I am staying up over 4am, Just because recently I played a bit of Counter Strike 2 with friends. And now I am playing and checking in Wangan Navigators on laptop. At the same time, Let GT7 Afk grind itself every 22 minutes I go check on the progress then repeat the afk grind process. But to be really honest, I should sleep next to my dad. I felt like he is lonely in the bedroom where we all sleep at seperated bedroom in the house. Plus, My mom won't be home tonight as well. because she have to take grandmother to hospital again. I shouldn't really be worries free and happy in life where my family is under exhaustion and lack of love. I should really put attention into them more.

15 November

Woke up at 1pm. My brother came back for lunch. Later dad have to take him back to school for additional school activities. Nothing much going on today, although we when somewhere in old town to eat. the point is to enjoy traditional and different dishes. Dad will take a nap at evening. I won't bother him. Most of the time were spent playing with brother playing console games together.

After shopping little groceries with my dad. My dad took me to nearby clinic to clean & check the wound of my finger. It is certainly healing but would take a while to fully heal. For now the doctor says it's probably fine without bandage and in contact of water. But I still have to becareful because any contact or pressure on the wound will still sting a little and I fear it will bleed again. So when I take a bath I will still wear a surgical glove.Now to think about it, I can't believe my hometown is still hotter than living in the city. From time to time I will massage my dad's back because it seems what he liked and feel better the most. Since he have less exercise he tends to have to more stiff muscles.

While I was playing GTA V with my online friends. My dad brought the dinner with fried chicken rice and my grandmother got to my home and have meals prepared for us. That was stupid of me trying to find something to offer for dad to eat at the night while I am playing video games all day. Ah, I know... massage

Mom has returned, Out of entire family. Mom missed me as her son the most. A hug between each other is always warm and comfort. Even though Im already 20 years old. Now knowing Im 20 years old, I am supposed to get a job and live on my own already, so pathetic of me living in parents house.There was idea of heading to somewhere a bit far for family trip tomorrow. Like going to KL city to visit Giant Water Park and play in it. Or going to A Famosa to travel and take pictures together with the family, but we put hold onto 25 or 26 of November, since it perfect day to send me back to my suite in the city and start a new semester. Convenient Plan if you ask me.

About my channel, I thought of making fun of my fanbase like if anybody asks "Where is EP" I just show them the link of Entry Point Game page itself. But seriously my channel is fully died and needs contents.... But I am certainly not motivated, should just post whatever I feel like sharing it... (nervously thoughts)

In almost the whole day of 16 November. Me and my brother plays Gran Turismo 7 and messes with Engine swaps and bit of grinding before it gets patches update. Plus, The fried chicken rice from local stoll always taste good.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of JournalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz