17-19 November 2023

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I discussed with my parents that another day I should go spend some time with Grandfather. Since he wanted to go to cafe or walk but he can't himself due to his eye conditions. My mom said that he even wanted nephew to hold his hand and take him to his regular cafe but it's not possible because the nephew is too small. So Im a good candidate for it. that told him I will take him out for walk or cafe myself and Im old enough to be aware in general safety

Me and my family went out for lunch and then shop in Mr.DIY within a mall, that is need to get myself a Laundry rack for drying clothes and also my brother want to look at gaming outlet for video games. Some additional stuff should be bought for family household too..

I got scolded by my mom that I am staying up late again, saying that this old habit will kill me one day or worsen my health. And start sleep early and wake early instead of the opposite.

My mom always want pass me her technique of living of her own like buying pot, cook rice, meat and meals by self with a new pot so on. She is just worried I don't know how to live by myself. Maybe she plans to take me to grocery shopping and learn how to shop fresh meat and vegetables.

On next morning, I have a very heavy dream. Something something living at edge of the cliff, 3 person died. Trump was in it right, and in future it happened. Will I survive? Those were crap and weird dreams. Something is wrong with my mind...

At afternoon. I went learn and and cook lunch meals and dishes with my mom. It was hassle but certainly looks delicious to eat. 

My dad adviced us to go get haircut since it's what my brother planned for today's evening. Although my brother felt lazy want to haircut for another day and my dad insisted to do it today. Plus, its good for me because getting haircut in City is more expensive because done with. I'll be also taking my mom's sedan out for a ride. There seems to be no affect on my feel or etiquette in driving it just manual would feel more joy to ride since its what I learned on my license in first place. That I was taught to drive in Manual but end up driving Automatic most of the time.The kids around this hometown, you can see kids rides bicycles together, neighbors having chats. These are the sights you won't usually see when you live out in cities

19 November
My Mom set it out for me to stay for a night at grandparent's house to sleep to spend some time with grandparents as well as lending them a hand if possible. The only concern for me is that I won't have stable internet connection here and have to rely on mobile data for it. About going to somewhere like trip with my family. It will happens on 25/26th of November, that we will head to KL City and roam around to have fun. And also conviniently saves expenses and send me back there for next semester begins in my college. Now to think about it, there's a switch remain turned on in my room at the suite, It's not charging anything it just the plug extension is left on. Hopefully it wont short circuit or anything.

I went along my mom for her to demonstrate to me how to make meal and cook with noodles this time. Despite staying in Grandparents's home, I asked that if she want to also make a meal of it for her as well. Since It's who I asked for supper late in the night. The tip of my finger is still numb and after contact with water the dead skin soften and tends to be more fallen apart which is bad since I don't want to accidentally pull it and hurt myself. To keep it, I use plaster to keep it together for it. The dead nail that cut through my skin seems to be fused with the dead skin but no worries.The condition of my grandmother is worse, way worse than my grandfather. Been to hospital alot of times and usually agonize pain in sleep. Alot of swallowns and cannot walk straight on her own, that usually my mom go helps out if she needs to go toilet.

It 2am, I was in deep sleep. Since Grandmother occasionally call my mother for help whenever she need go to toilet. She would have to wake up and lift my grandma to do it. This time, Grandma called for my name after third time my mom didn't wake after being called. I supported a little when it happened.

Woke up at 8am, My grandfather is already to go out to have breakfast anyway. I brushed my teeth. And ready to head out with him. I feel bad my mom have to take care of grandparents. Grandpa that cant see properly, Grandma that cant walk properly. But Grandma needs attention the most where unable to walk cripples the most.

Anyway, this time I drive my grandmother's manual saloon out for a ride to have breakfast. It is certainly refreshing to ride in manual after a long time. It is certainly a bit beat up but still fun to drive.

I decided to stay another night here. Instead of whining to go home, Wouldn't be bad spend more time in grandparent's home. My mom acknowledges have will have my dad pick me up at tomorrow's afternoon. Also, I picked up GTA Chinatown Wars on YouTube to watch. Thinking i will replay it on PSP emulator or Mobile.

Crap... my butt hurt, I cant go to bathroom very well. Probably sat on uncomfortable chair for too long, Its 12:44am, my mom is simply too exhausted to tell me sleep. So I stay up a little, grandmother needs some help going to toilet again. And later return to bathroom she is deeply concerned and sad all this diseases just causes us trouble and she doesn't know what to do. I decided to sit next to her a little longer to see if she needs further help.

About the condition of my grandmother, she have swallon legs and feets which severely cripples her walking and often need someone to carry on her shoulder to walk. Although she went through hospital multiple times. Seeing her hand and legs bandaged up and have skin degradation just saddens me deeper and I dont know what to say, Same goes for my mother.. My mother keeps up remaining at the grandparents house to feed them and help that she doesn't have time to meet with her family members or go out for trip so if she take a break from her sister takeover taking care. It would be very precious times to spend. And I only have stay for 2 days and I already felt sad from seeing both of them. Of course, there were times we talking happily at the cafe when eating but when it comes to daily task and things. Not so much, My grandfather is fine, even though he is blind. He can navigate around the house and perform activities fine.

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