3 October 2023 - I cut my finger (lol)

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12:30pm, I am done taking bath. Not breakfast but at a point where I can literally head out with toast in my hand.

Drawing Assignment need to be done, Today. I will buy the tools and the mounting board again. I arrived at college. Theres people who happened to be doing same thing as me. Just the black boarders left to. Just like me, there's tends to be students doing assignments right before deadlines. Its only like 1 or 2 and not that severe but at least I won't feel lonely at this situation.

With calm mind and right measurements, consistency of cutting the edges. I should be good...

Don't wet or put too much force on this finger at least 3 days from now on. That's what Doctor "Thailand" told me at Tomson Hospital.

So what happened today? Yes, I cut my finger. Its a bit of deep wound. Straight slight through the skin and nail. Most student and staff reactions is shocking. Apparently too much force was applied when cutting the paper with the new paper cutter I bought. When this happened I immediately walked fast to the sink and keep washing it with cold water. There's apparent trail of little blood on the way so the people there must have noticed.

When the wound is still hot. It kinda falls apart and I keep keep two together to stop the bleeding. Initially it is very severe bleeding. First sight is 2 of the student brought first aid box figuring out what to do and I was like bro just call someone like staff member here. Of course I am in pain but not panic or nervous at all. And the students is the opposite. It only gets even more pain when theres alot of blood coming out my finger but holding it together seems reduce it along with the bleeding.

The staff members came and they prepared for first aiding stuff to first step stop the bleeding first but it does not stop no matter how matter tissues or cotton we gets. Like how we still joke and smiles while this is happening. Well it's only finger cut so it's shouldn't be serious. Later since the wound can't be fixed at first the staff prepare to take me to the clinic by car. Just like any other clinic. We wait until it's my turn to go in the doctor room. The nurses there uses Adrenaline patch and tries to stop the bleeding. But in all seriousness, they don't know what to do since the bleeding cannot stop if they open the wound and operates sutures.

Yes they originally want to operate with sutures, but they can't because the bleeding cannot stop. But they will forward a letter with a private hospital first, and then injected me with something that last 2 years if something like this happens. At least the needle is less painful than the wound itself lol. At least my tolerance towards pain is not bad, it's not like I scream on the way here. So the most pain I have is similar to a goosebump and silent ir rated facial expression and ssssssss from my mouth.

I also contacted my father for him to manage through medical insurance and stuff since he know his stuff and communicate through with the college's staff member. At the dispensary the clinic gave me pills for Painkillers, aids for vomits and swelling. Which is only can take effects after I eat. The packages mentions 3 times per day something. The injection makes my muscle a bit stiff and pain a little but its okay.

Later when I got sent into hospital the operation was quick but the wait for receptionist is slow. The entire operation wasn't taken with doctor great professionalism. Which was much less painful, The doctor said it's good because it's matter of time for the wound to dry better to reduce bleeding. Instead of sutures, Thick small layers of plasters was introduced and wrapped around like glue. The guardian which is college staff member made a joke for us to smile about the packaging of each plaster is small and white colored that the doctor have to remove his glasses everytime he do it. "Instead every layer of plaster needs to be colorful so its easy to seperate and looks pretty too."

But damn. Deep cut on finger cost more than RM 500 is something. 200 on the clinic and 300 on the Hospital. Mostly because the dressings were used and fee in using the room along with the medicines. Painkillers, Aids with vomits and swelling. I guess just take as followed consumption even it's not needed or they go waste like father advised. 

All on the way here I was only constantly mentioning that how much I have troubled them and want to rely on myself. Now the things I do now after everyone got home and I don't show my wounds or things about me too much or it's too gore to say for some girls. I will only suffer minor inconvenience when doing stuff involves with my right hand like going for items in my right pockets, carrying stuff, play with mouse or steering wheel.

Probably its a bad day for me. After few like 3 days later I'll go back to clinic or hospital to check on it or something. The staff helps me keep the assignments at college for now until Monday and also the assignments submission time is being moved more further. My mom called me after all these happened. Its a good thing the photos were sent to my father instead of my mother. She would freak out alot. Time to head to arcade like usual but it would be inconsistent to play because of my condition but I will adapt to it anyway. I can use Automatics anytime and and they works in other car games as well.

I almost forgot about the receipts and medicine in my bag but i will take note of it. My dad told me after 3 days. if I want to go to hospital and check the wounds. I need to also submit a form that is sent by him. I will continue my assignment on Monday. The strat here is to bath with plastics bag over my hand. Earlier in arcade, I can't grip steering wheel my pointy finger better but still plays well and cleared out WMMT bingo challenge with friends. Also meet a new friend who is fan of Namco games and we apparently find ourselves full of topic and common to talk about. Shared each other contacts. His name is Patrick.

My housemate doesn't know my incidents, The college staffs are kinda talking about me. But it's all just finger cut and it's nothing much. I just have to be careful with myself when handling or playing stuff

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