11 November 2023

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I felt like extremely crap, I woke up at 4am.... Oh right, right after I got back into my suite I immediately dropped my bag and went bed to sleep. And then woke up with lights on and blanket folded. Was I really that tired?

Before I pack up & deal with laundry everything. A bath and cereal breakfast would be the best way to start it. And it's perfect, I get to finish the cereal and milk before I go back.

Its 6am, I have roughly 5 hour before I pack up everything. First up the clothes. Which brings me to the laundry.... I have to think up I have to stow them inside a luggage to prevent dusts gather up while I was gone. Yeah that will do.

I'll use the old luggage of mine and use it store of most of utilities, clothing, general items. All in there. To keep it safe and prevent dusts gather up on them since I'll be gone in this suite for weeks. To bring Packed up snacks, important documents, clothing, my plushies and most importantly my laptop bag. It's 7:30am right now. I could go out play super early at arcade for now before 12pm hits. Yes, lets settles it as 11.11 (11 November)

GT7 is going to receive a grinding patch very soon. Gotta abuse this while I can but not use too much time on it.

I was thinking about completing bingo challenge for the time being at arcade. Before 12pm I will return to suite and ready to departure. But regarding the gift for dad maybe a useful electronic gadget? Not sure.....

Hmm, As I am heading out through suite. I noticed shoes of mine. I could take my flippers back as a backup of my shoes. I can wrap it in a plastic bag and stow it inside luggage.Also, Morning's wind and air is fresh and cool my mind. It is certainly relaxing to sit under a garden somewhere. This is what it looks like to walk in the morning

For today, I'll leave my laptop bag back in suite. So it would look odd me to bring out my umbrella and water bottles on me. 0 bag and wallet stuff in pockets

Because I always walk with bag or laptop bag in my back. I feel oddly light on myself. I can run faster and use less stamina as ease even though at the same walk speed. I been walking with bags for months now....

Crap, The mall seems empty and dark as hell. I think I arrived too early and it's not opening time yet

At least some outlets remain closed but remain internal and entrance lights on. I will be taking escalator that have sunlights shines in thank you.... Damn. Such mall, is Silent. And literally nobody... scary as hell... I should be careful, Bro, I got so early at the mall. And there's literally nobody at all. I have entered backroom level in real life. There's feel that a Serial killer might be somewhere lurking for me and will chase me. Or just security guard call me out why am I hella early here, Funny enough, who will open game arcades right at the morning?

I saw out there enjoy fresh air for a while. It's 8:28am, I went back to the mall. It is still dark and seems like nobody was still there. I recalled the words that my dad adviced me don't be too invested in games and focus more on education. I should really keep note of it. Some outlets has activated but not really opened so theres ought to be people preparing for day opening. It's 9pm. Let's roam around and observe for now. I know.... I could do something meaningful but there's nit really much of stuff for me to do here except return early.

Ah, how long have I been sitting somewhere while the mall outlets gradually opens?? Oh... it's 9:30am already. Yeah, I shouldn't stay here. It's unhealthy and not right for me. But still maybe If I wait a little longer the arcade would open.....

some food outlets is opened, Cinema is ready. But I think it's practical that no one open business for arcade early in the morning. What the hell am I doing here it's about to be 10am...... Does arcade opens at Noon? Whatever, It's better to take a walk around than just sitting around watching YouTube.

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