23 - 24 December 2023

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I remember yesterday, that Patrick told me that he got a second job opportunity that he is deciding to ditch the first one or not but since its way better than the first one. But his job is about to start but want to resign already for another time. That we talks about whether if it will upset someone or how it will affect his career. Through and through hearing out friend's decision and thoughts. Of course in professional perspective, you have the rights to do the job or not. Nobody want to do a job they don't like as such but I always keep in mind this is on his own decision and take some time think aboht it. By far, compare to other arcade buddies. He is the most realist.

Dann, I dead sleep for so long till 12:50pm.

This time I will priortize assignment than lunch and daily objectives. Finished 3pm, I am starving already. But I continue on doing some of the easy daily objectives first then head out at 5pm. Realizing the cafe below the block is closed on Saturday. Instead of walking at same pace to the mall. I walk slower with an umbrella under the rain. Thinking about college, life, video games as such. It wasnt deep thought but it is leisurely and comfortable thinking about stuff calmly.
Instead of settling my lunch at further restaurant. I decided to go with fast food inside the mall. Thought it might expenses a little more but its closer and more convenient.

Thinking about it, I may have arrive at mall earlier. Because there are some time I can do on laptop at suite before heading out but hunger comes first eh? Yeah, now I mentioned. I now just carry out my digital camera than the heavier laptop which I can do most of things on but it doesnt feel bad bringing lighter.

At the arcade, being able to communicate to chat with other similar players like me and help out customers feels fun and nice of all but I feel like things feel much more fun with friends or more players activity. Is this some sort of loneliness? Nah, it just I cant find anything fun with it. My dad says don't let loneliness beats you.

What I find weird is that for Saturday. None of my close friends visit the arcade today. SKY and others, they all seems to be enjoying something else. Well, If you think about it. No one come to the same place and play same thing everyday... When you put it that way, yeah. Its how sad my bad habit became.

Its 9:55 already, I should return and stop helping with kids in arcade games. 

Just as I was finishing last play of WMMT arcade during closing time. This malay was watching me playing Story mode with the Lambo Countach. Oh, I interacted with him earlier during the kids doing local versus and told him that he need to complete till 79 chapters till fully tune his RX-7 FD3S He was interested seeing a Lamborghini after I switch perspective to 3rd person mode when there's 5km left. (MYS, HINA)

On the way exiting the mall we talked alot and he brought up the topic about Comic Fiesta which is happening recently in KL. And I noticed that he have a card of it hanging on his neck, I didnt know that he is staff member of Comic Fiesta! The information I know about him is that he dont live here. He just live nearby a hotel here.

We got more interesting with common topic as we talk. That we discovered we both are car enthusiasts and also common knowledge about Touhou Project. Later he show me that his one of the Flandere Fumo in a case. He got 2 actually and then he said "Yeah I got this fumo during the event just for RM10", "10 RINGGIT??? Theres no where in Malaysia you are able to shop a fumo as this cheap." Before we part away, he mentioned that theres this bunch of 90s car nearby by the parking lot that he want to take a photo of it first before heading back.

Since I live nearby I said why not lets head there together, I wanted to see too. That he mentioned theres like MR2, Mitsubishi eclispe as such. I was like what??? Does Malaysia still import these cars I mean they are rare to see. On the way we talks even more about cars and then touhou. Regarding Mitsubishi not making sports cars in the future.

And the running gag whether if Touhou is anime or not. Yeah those.
We came to the parking lot and damn. I saw a good looking old Mitsubishi Eclispe. I immediately ready my digital DSLR camera and shoot it from different angles. That I told him. Yeah, I am studying Photography recently. It would be a missed opportunity to not take car pictures with this old camera my dad's brother gave me.

We can be a good friend. It is just I felt a bit sad I won't see this buddy much now since he is heading to somewhere far to continue his studies somewhere and he does not actually live in this area.

After we said goodbye, Feeling about it. Before he walk away and disappear, I called out him. And ask to exchange contact number and I did not disappoint.
So yeah, that enlighten the day of mine. But seriously I should head back to suite and tomorrow I will touch another assignment to finish If I can.

As I returned to suite gate by 10:45. I noticed the autoshop is still open. So this is reason why SKY didnt go to arcade today? Oh, his customer's ordered just finished and he is satisfied with it. Oh well, I better not disturb his business too much.

24 December 2023

I spent half of the afternoon voice call with discord friends whilist doing daily objectives. something tells my bad habit of ignoring lunch and eat cereal instead.

Stupid me... I could have use these hours to go to KLCC Comic Fiesta for the last day to meet my online friend and the staff member I met the other day. This kind of opportunity won't come by for a long time. Look what my bad habit of video gaming took me. At very least I should call my parents to have a talk.

Recently there's new diseases spreading out, similiar to COVID19 not sure if it's SRV something. but the advices from dad is wear masks outside. Either way, I was very hungry while having this call with Dad at mall this evening. For this time, I brought out the laptop this time. Still heavy though, I played a bit next to the arcade. But it's not enjoying as much as back in suite. I wanted to show my friend about WMMT on PC but they were too busy to check it out at arcade. Kinda disappoint it. But I am aware I am not central of attention, Oh yeah. Christmas Day is tomorrow. But still have to work on the assignment though,

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