13 January 2024

3 0 0

I woke up by 11:50, My housemate YH called me. He is heading out to play that game soon.. Oh, Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune. He want me to lend him my extra cards. This immediately shaken me awake because it's the game I am the most passionate to.

I shouldnt be worry too much about my buddy YH break Story Mode Win streak on the alternate card. Even though its only as low as 80 or 25 for the RX-3. But it still value's something, but when you think about it. It's just a game, its not like he is gonna main that for very long time, well on the plus side. He is doing free plays for you.

O, Lyhan is using my card and he used the discarded vehicle card I gave him to start a 600Hp Toyota86. Well, it's just a discarded vehicle card. Consider that as giving one to your friends, but in long term. I think I should just give him the email and navigator of the account. Each card cost RM17 though, anyway I can see the progress on the card judging by timeline activity on the App navigators. I was meant to do miles check in on it, seeing it makes me wanna gonna there myself, Plus, I actually have something to do for today. Its the Bingo Challenge for 13 Jan, Alright I will go this afternoon. Assignments need to be halted.

Here I am at the mall walking to the arcade right after I finished my meal of noodle in unusual restaurants. Well, my classmate at arcade or not. I still have to manage the Bingo challenge fone because theres a reward I want it but I dont keep my expectations too high either. They probably left already but my head need to be constantly thinking about Assignments and plans. So yeah, I still have to do my work.

If my buddy Lyhan or YH want to fully own the card which includes the navigator and the email account. I have to sell it at much more cheaper price. Its still something to me that I want to keep it personally if he doesnt.

So later I played a bit with them. And eventually they got invested into the game, and I generally feel guilty for it because they already have not well financial plans although I warned them this game can be addicting and can burn your money really quickly. Knowing they are totally amateur, I try to hold back myself and make the gameplay experience much more enjoyable. By elaborating explain about the stuff from game and general beginners advices and such..After we take a break and for the records of me lending them card I propose an idea that they can buy the card off me or start with a progress with their new card. I made it clear that it will be sold at cheap price and have to hand him the navigator and account emails. But they decided go for new card personally because the offers of me giving them free discarded card for free when creating their new car data in WMMT.

We farewell with each other and head back, while I stay and complete the Bingo Challenge with my arcade buddy. I was very satisfied with the bingo frame today (WMMT) it matches very well with my SVX.

I left at 7pm, since staying any longer does not good any good. On the way, I still think about ideas of the movie art book Assignment and plan how it will turns out yada yada... I will leave WMMT6R Emulator and others until when I am totally free from assignments. Either way, for some reason. The card my friend Lyhan plays I lend him, got the fully tuned monthly car on scratch. Like bro how lucky is it, Apparently this card really need a good fully tuned car.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of JournalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora