21 January 2024

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Weirdest dream ever. I was driving WMMT6RR BMW Z4 Safety Car and then gave it to a nearby police since nearby accident just happened and he needed transported. I was there me and my brother, after the fix of the destroyed station we walked and climbed up station with my brother I told him be careful the steps is slippery, While on the way to somewhere I asked him what do u study for. He replied, I cant make words what he said but world just exploded and I woke up very stiff body. Its 11:30am.

My God, Everytime I watch back this movie I someitme can't stop watching it and I won't be bored rewatching this everytime just to screenshot or make notes for the assignments I am working on. God bless "Makoto Shinkai" for "Kimi No Na Wa"

I halted my assignment this morning because I spent most of the time surfing internet and playing emulator visual novel games. Although I worked on assignment a little but I shouldn't just ignore my assignments like that. Plus, I haven't go out to eat lunch. So today just bread and nothing else. Well, heated bread with cheese. It's 6pm already, I should really go take a bath. Man, what is wrong with me....

My dad's birthday is at 29 of January. Well, which is the time where I submit and do exam at. I mean at very least I can prepare a gift for my dad and tell him happy birthday, but... Not sure if a book he likes. But I have to think up what he want, but the thing is I cant. Either way, Today I took a bath and ready to go out at 7:30pm, Yep. I will have to push myself to do assignments. Today's play with Visual Novel romance is pretty good.

Fine session at arcade today. Although it is only 3 game of FUGA battle with friend SKY and a Taiko No Tatsujin play with a stranger. It's good enough, but whatever. Everytime I go to arcade from suite and return from arcade. Between It take average 15 minute of lower for me to reach there. And usually I be fast walking all the time but run as fast as I want if there's nobody. But I personally think are these good regular exercises time to time?

Just realized everyone is so busy with doing Movie art book and haven't upload the photography work to my photography lecturer yet. No way! It's already 4:40am again! How can I get stuck on characters section for so long just because the fandom and Wiki misses information on side characters!

Almost 7am, time to sleep... Though there wont be classes since its study and assignments week I still thinking about going there, way better than staying at suite.

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