18 January 2024

20 1 0

I started writing this on Apple Journal. Not sure if it's interesting or not I might give it a try compared to discord entries.

Man It's going to be 20 by January soon, Let's get this movie art book assignment done shall we? I am slowly finding confidence in this but less confidence for photography though. After class by afternoon me and the housemate plays Genshin Impact together but they subtly still felt unwelcoming to me even though I just wanna help them in Co-op World. But it's not much a concern either way. Instead I should focus on eating lunch and then continue working on assignment. At very least the lectuerer give a better suggestion and what improvement I cna do on my existing artboards in adobe illustrator.

"lol I love assignments"

Since its already 6pm, still continue to work on assignments. Staff waits for me to leave the premises before closing it down. Either way, I got exam slip today, obviously sign that exam is coming and I have to accelerate my speed of getting homework done. Afterwards I head straight to arcade, And I can tell myself that Its a good day. Doing terminal scratches with every each of my card and habits of taking photos of them, Niki and I greeted each other. And then my classmates YH and Kelly, while they are playing WMMT. I stay to play Taiko No Tatsujin instead. For Niki Of course when we battle each other he still have upperhand in skills for the game WMMT local versus but it feels good to beat him once in a while. Since his friend came and they played together happily, I prefer to stay out and watch veterans plays since their personalities makes me nervous but they invited me to join in local versus. I answered that nah I am out of my budget in money and they non hesitation offer me the credit to play versus with them.

Only 2 game though, but still feel chill between each other. I managed to beat them at the last game, Niki's friend and I joked about he want to sleep at my bedroom and I went with the flow it is funny though. Knowing I am out of their league in terms of skills, I refrain from casual talk and went for a respectful conversation with them like saying "Damn my skills is not as good as you guys." And try to minimize personal opinions then smile from of my mouth. Even though they may be indirectly looking down on me but I will keep it a friendly face. Heck am I saying lol, either way we waved goodbye and then Patrick shows up, he returned. Question me if I am actually busy with assignments lol, yes we sometime contact with each other on chats like Discord or WhatsApp. We played Taiko No Tatsujin arcade together and it's very fun more than WMMT. I managed to achieve significant in score improvement for my favorite song "Phony" that I drummed with him. Sat down and talked together, then Adam and his father show up we go conversations as well. Until closing time, I walked back. It was raining.

Long story short, the friends I meet and know in this district and this city. They are nice. The cycle of meeting them today is "Niki > YH & Kelly > Patrick > Adam & His Father" for this time.

When I got home I was prepared to continue work on assignments. And fell drift to asleep on my bed near midnight. Then have a pervy dream, but it still uncomfortable. Because I left my lights on and in street attires, I wonder how did I manage to sleep so soundly without turning lights off...

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