22 January 2024

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What is it...? Omg, I woke up at 2pm and there's photography class today.. Damn I missed it.

What am I doing. Woke up, do nothing but surfing in the internet while not eating anything. I should go bath, Go out and eat. Do something. Continue assignments need a little push.

Instead of going out I settled lunch with bread. But still felt hungry. While working on the assignment. the IT of the college asked me to test out student portal website and helped with it. Funny enough my photography lectuerer didn't mark my attendance properly, although there is times I was absent but I can't brag with that.

Anyway. The landlord arrived with someone to repair the lights, that time I was the only one in the premises of the suite. She personally came to apply coat and have someone clean the tables. Upon seeing the hygeine of the kitchen and our bedroom, she is disgusted how the girls are unorganized and untidy not to clean them. While landlord thinks the boys are more organized and better instead. And adviced us to leave the window open a bit. I questioned and curious why, she said it's good to let fresh air in and out for ventilation otherwise the smell and omen stuck in here. Well, the girls's bedroom doesn't and luckily I keep it open most of the times.

I thanked landlord for the trouble she left. Heard that she is going to warn about the hygeine to the girls again. Yeah, I saw how the cooking stove is left with oils and sink left with unwashed pots. I don't usually enter the girl's bedroom but I know it's messy and unorganized. Didn't say much about them since there was a time I entered their bedroom without notice or noises while "Pen" is sleeping on the bed afternoon sweet and sound. Of course, I left without making noises and observed the place. Which is bit rude of me entering people bedroom's without permissions and also watching someone sleep.

 Quite bit relieved that landlord asked a general question when I am heading back by new year, I replied with a smile that I will be after exam and recieved tip that she said it's probably better to get bus ticket early before runs out.

While landlord was cleaning and checking in common area. I organized my bedroom a bit more tidier and sweep the room. Later I also organized Pokemon GaOleDisks collections.

For today. I only completed one of the characters of movie art book. One left before I move on Characters & Plot about the movie. One of my classmate has done like 80 pages but I am pretty sure I can do better. For tonight I will head out to take a break and eat. After all, I have nothing but bread today. Cannot let myself starve like that.

Played WMMT6R emulator till 4:30am, I should sleep now. This is extremely bad for my health.

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