25 January 2024

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I cant be bothered anymore, must do assignments.For this whole afternoon. I didn't break a second working on sketches and proposal with the photography ideas for both Roti Canai as Food and PS5 controller as product photography.

For every hour passes, I set a timer for my celling fan so everytime the fans turns off I know that the an hour as passed that I need to really get going to do my assignments.

Although I only finished the proposal for the Photography assignments. I should prepare what equipments and stuff I need for the shooting. So I have to prepare what I need for the shooting tomorrow. For both the controller and Roti Canai.

So, after buying some stuff at nearby Economic shop. I got some supplies but not exactly what I need for the photoshooting. So I go to the mall I usually go arcade for to look for one. I know it already 8:30am but every second counts right? On the way to the mall I encounter CDY and Peny, the housemate I usually lives with. They were in direction back to suite, I greeted them and they said MZ just went to work as they go out.

I pretty much have to ignore budgeting for the sake of my assignments cheap investments since I have sufficient money for the next month so I think I should be fine. Although my revenue is pretty much dead because of no uploads for the past 3 week due to alot of focus in my final assignments.

By the way. Its the time where WMMT6RR rerun VSORG Japan.

For today I played few games but just for VSORG. But 3 game is luckly roll for me enough to go through stage 1 for the rewards. KEN's friends arrived but some of them realizes they can't do VSOrg because their cars need at least 20 ghost trophies. For the new R32 user and the KPGC10.

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