31 December 2023

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Last day before new year begins, I haven't got much to say. But what I know is I been learn to live here for months distance from my hometown and parents. And actually, time does not feel slow or fast. It never bothered me,

But still my life habit is not healthy, I often sleep late and woke up late, unhealthy diet, Except that I do walk outside occasionally my legs is fit. but arms is not, except drumming and arcade driving. Let's see.. The other day I bought this 2024 month year book for myself. Not sure what I can do with it yet, But at very least I can mark or reminder myself in the following year. I guess I'll write one...

4 January 2024, Deadline of the Poster assignments about Typography. Tomorrow Mr.L will be back to college want us to show him the Product Proposal. The only thing I am missing is just 6 sketches. It's not like I have nothing to do today but still want to plan something to do something and schedule before tomorrow being next year. Of course I still have to eat, I want to go to arcade every night.There's alot of video games ready to play, I can talk to my family, make videoes for more revenue, go shopping, explore KL. Or try cook in kitchen. So there's no excuses to say you're bored. I always think of these stuff when I look outside my window. with curtains open.

Spent the whole afternoon till 5pm, surprisingly I didn't do anything productive at all. Just some game and daily objectives, I dont feel satisfied at all, thats why I dont like it. So I decided to go out. Eat, and probably hang around than sitting at suite all the day, Like I should call my family. Should be least thing I should do.

Arrived at the mall, but before I walk to the arcade. I should sit at somewhere distant with my sketch book. Its not much but I can work on my assignments few percents.

The sketches I only did 2. Which is bad and I mindlessly head off to play at arcade. For today's Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune session. I managed to Fully tune my brother's car data Countach and got new body color for it. My friends is very interested with it in terms of Time Attack and decided to use it before it was fully tuned. I dont know how many times they played but I wouldn't mind if they did play because it's Free play & scratches on the car so its win win situation. Only spend over a bit of 20RM and one game with my friend Patrick in WMMT. It is not toxic and it is fun with others. Even SKY's friend arrived as well,

Before I exit the mall, I noticed the Super big books sales that been going for weeks now. Although I only stroll through it the other day but never actually consider buying it. I dont know how long does this big sales last so I guess its near end time I decided to walk in there and browse all the catalog. The sections are too big and large, but sadly it covers most of the foreign production and plenty of comics and books were translated into Malay. But there is still Chinese and English books there.

Took me plenty of time there, it was near 11pm but it's staying open till midnight. I came across some comics that displays near entrance but only few interests me and best yet. I already have them so there's nothing else Japanese comic works there. First thing I came across this Magic teen girl comic books. I thought long to gift it to my housemate but screw it. We are not kids anymore why buying childish stuff. I went and checked all floors and platforms. Only few came across being my selections whilist taking bunch of pictures of books.

Buisnesses, Your work. Love it or leave it for RM17? I forgot. I planned this with good price to gift it to my dad when the time I get back. Koko and MeiMei or known as GeMeiLiang. It's a children comic I got it for RM12. Planned to gift this to the younger nephews. Although they don't seems to read much books but a gift for them is nice. A cheap RM3 artwork glance book to gift it to classmate/friend I choose to. and then. The biggest and thickest book one. "We are the nerds" that bring up the word Reddit for me to read myself, not because I want to be someone who actually read books. But actually am Interested to read and can read it anytime in hand I want compared to the internet facts browsing. Heading back to clean up the stuff. Welp, Great year I guess. Happy new year everyone!

Think should I make a video that concludes 2023?

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