21 August 2023

13 0 0

Thought a lot stuff last night...

Since my parents is doing everything for me like paying my studies, my living as such. One day, they wouldn't be able to help me. And I'll have to pick myself back up to pay and earn my own keep. Is it possible for me to do that?

For that, I need stable income, a good schedule and alot of stuff to consider and do with. Perhaps I should treasure all the stuff and time that is happening to me right now. I don't wanna feel like I am "using" the people around me, I want to do something for them too. But there's these quote that you can't help others without helping yourself first. And there was plenty of that I ignored this advice. All these made my mind go hassle and deep thoughts. Wondering will my happiness keep until tomorrow..... and next year, I'll be 21 years old. My parents have a job at 18.

I should give it up thinking about it and let fake death drift away. It's called Military sleep something something and it actually worked. I literally fell asleep like a baby under 5 minutes.

Today in Monday class, we learn about the history of paper & drawing. I guess that's essential in terms of visual/graphics and ancient method to represent them way before stuff goes fully digitally. (History of drawing, history of printings yada yada)

Etching & Mezzamint are similiar method. Both are hard pressed for copying using printing press. The lecturer told us when comes to digital printing from computer to real paper, Use CMYK which is compatible with actual printing ink color because the common color are Cyan, Magenta, yellow and Black. RGB is only for value in digital monitor's color value.

Oh right, I got club activity at evening, I suppose I can carry this laptop to my college and play at arcade a bit before going there.

After playing a bit and met a new friend at nearby arcade in the mall. I was approached by two suspicious looking chinese women. Probably around their 30s, they tried very hard to convince me to give them some money that they ran out of money they don't even have credit card. They need some money for tomorrow and tell us we are not local. Like wtf? I'm not local around here as well. I was half convinced and I have to ask cashier for change I snucked up and then ask my parents what to do. Parents told me get away. Then went to a drink bar to buy tea for change, while they are waiting in the distance. I requested the cashiers there to cause a distraction for me to get away before they scams me. And they allowed me to sneak away behind their bar, later hide in the toilet to calm down. After things were calmed down, I went out again then meeting eyes with these 2 scammers again with a taller looking male. Knowing that they're upset with me, I don't know whether they are actually broke and embarrassed themselves with.

I got to college to attend club activity safely.

I actually almost fell asleep without taking dinner with door open, Am I really that exhausted today? I missed portion of time to do team project with my housemates. I feel sad in myself that they are forced to debrief information about the western art and learning gothic argiculture themselves instead of from me. I guess we need stress to push ourselves after all.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of JournalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon