8th September 2020, Tuesday

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Today's Events

Damn, When I was at school Math class. I was half conscious because I am so exhausted that I slept last night at 2am. When the math class was about to end, I felt something is wrong.

I brought the textbooks and school books that is for Monday. Not Tuesday. Guess I was too tired and the new timetable messes my head but I hope it doesn't affect much to me in school. The Yesterday's afternoon nap is not good enough. I had a heavy dream and only slept for 2 hours before my brother wakes me up.

I often bring the correct textbooks and stuff to school but it's been a while haven't bring wrong book to school. Dummy History lessons, I supposed to share textbook with other classmates but teacher said no, and told me I have to go ask and lend a textbook from someone at other classes. This is pretty rare, Because I often bring the right books and I Don't ask other to lend me book from others.

Me and my Malay classmate went to a class where he and I most recognized for.
The Malay classmates is able to ask his old friend for History textbook. Well for me, I doubt they might even lend me one. Because I don't have many friends here. Then I saw J.C. Thinking of that, I asked him to lend me textbook. He can help me with it.

Remember on "6th September" chapter? He owned me a favor for helping him buying a meal box for him with his own money, So I think that If You're willing to lend me textbook we'll call it even. Also, Not everyone offers me supports or helps because I am known as a semi-weirdo for the people have same age as me. I'll return it to him during recess class. He only need it after recess time. Thanks.

My Teacher challenged us with History spelling , which everyone can easily do it but I can't, Teacher mentioned the punishment is Sweep The Class.
Well which I did, People think that I am suppose to feel shame or embarrassed about it but I don't think much of that or have problems with it. It's good that I can help clean the class. I do help cleaning the class sometime when I have nothing to do. Helping what I can what makes me feel good about it.

During Recess time, I returned the book to him (J.C) and again. He requested me to help him buy a meal for him. But this time with different order. He gave me the same RM3 for White Rice with Fried Egg and Nugget, adding is Curry on rice. I also checked the price for his meal at the canteen counter.

When I'm done buying my and his meal and head back to my class from canteen. I expected he will be waiting at my class because he usually come talk to my friends in 4 around the table. Sometime talks about Science and Animes. I delivered his meal to him, he's disappointed about it after he checked his meal box. He rephrased that he doesn't need the curry on the rice as adding. Wait... guess I'm careless again. But I asked him if it's okay or not. He said it's okay but doesn't sound like a okay to me. I returned to my seat by the window and eats my own meal. I thought that does he dislike curry on rice?

During the last 2 lessons before ending the school day, I took a small nap during Art class. But this time Teacher took us to his Art Classroom. I noticed there's a box of Shoes painted with lots of designs using Watercolor. I think that's why teacher wanted us to practice drawing cartoon character then use the skills of designing on those shoes, I see. But I ignored the rest of the details and took a nap. They don't mind. Afterwards, I paid my own RM50 to Class Teacher for the PIBG. But seriously what PIBG is and what's for. I know it's something but I forgot it.

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