13 December 2023

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It's a good thing everyone has already done bath and now its my turn. Yeah, Afterwards its already 6:45, I need to eat fast and get there fast. When I have time I got to get my laundry done.

I finished Breakfast with crackers and drink of expensive powder milk my mom gave me the other day. Now on the bus seeing familiar faces and minutes before we sets off. Looks like I made it in time, at least the staff checks everyone before heading off. On the bus, it is common to see most of the teens here just scrolling on the phone. I should do something more meaningful in it really. Like writing this stuff to keep track of my everyday details, oh yeah about the Bus yesterday they announced theres this Entrepreneurship program held under my college and I immediately mark my attendance. It will be somewhere in Cheras of the KL Its a good thing that I brought myself my headphones. Listening at songs without other aware of it makes me ease my mind with music I play. Like "Whistle" the song, But when I found this old song my dad's deceased brother. It makes my cry because this is the song that were sung by his friends at his funeral and often play it next to his coffin since it's his favourite song. Yeah, Funeral is just last week so it's still sad there.Well I'd like to take a nap with some any light music I tap across, through the "Listen Now" category. I found the playlist my dad plays during that funeral. Apparently I can listen to songs that my dad plays it on the car or recently plays it, quite nice I must say.Sweden C418, Circle in the sand, My favorite songs, Popular songs this year... sometime I think about my life won't be long and could be short whenever I feel like dying sometime. But that would be shame and super bad If I did. So sometime I occasionally want to live and also want to die when im suffering. Sounds Stupid I know..

Seeing everyone have their own preferences of outfit. Like the gamers boys with their Black Top/Pants. Girls with colorful jackets and pants as such. Simple shirt & jeans...

Upon entering the venue, theres alot of people and stages all related to education and stuff and it seems a presentation is about to start soon. In here, we will learn stuff (obviously) but questions why we are here learning about business and stuff. There seems plenty of professionals in their tolls

Me and my friends talks about the nostalgia of Chinese people. Especially topic about how does kids speak and read the Malay texts. Humors conversation I must say.

After long and boring convention times and sitting on single chair along with others. Its tiring and boring, although there is some presentation that is engaging and funny. But the rest are just promotion and probably commissions stuff to earn extra cash. Bank, About AI, Products, Loans and theres about our lovely POINT film and college itself.Of course Lunch is prepared and its quite exquisite. Even piece of cake next to fried rice too. Later we have coffee, plays mobile games on my own. Talk meme and shitpost with friends.... But usually thinking bout I want to go already but also feel like I should grasp any knowledge they will mention here but too burnt out and tiring for it.

While we are returning at 5:18pm by Bus. I helped the staff carry a little cargo to the bus. Everyone Gather each other student before returning to college and call it a day. For this day I rather have a class than event like this.

Its near 8pm, I still plan to go out to the arcade since I really wanna go there. Even as a little time, Its still fine since Arcade supposed to be one stop fun for short term how its meant to be. I will shop for groceries another day instead and stick to Powder drink and crackers for breakfast. So no Cereal and Milk for now, Of course. I wont carry my laptop much unless I feel like need to. Its heavy and risky to carry around on the streets. Washing Machine is being used, I will use it and dry clothes other day then. But I am close to missing available good clothes, perhaps I will use the service for washing machine downstairs?

I feel like I am just pushing myself too much with this minor headache of mine caused by lack of energy or sleep although I slept fine on the bus but still going with this. Nah, I'll be fine. Just relax.

Lecturer for tomorrow class says shes not available in the afternoon so will do the class in morning instead? Damn.... I have to wake up early? The mall looks same as ever, only it just Christmas themed and decoration.. While on the way to the mall.

For today progress with the Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RR Arcade.Theres not many people there but I do encounter familiar faces and helped them out similarly. My friend SKY want to build a new car on a new card. Wondering how he should link it to Wangan Navigator so I directed him that he can link second card to the same Bandai ID. For my other Malay friend, He is the one who lost his bandapass and apparently he have started with new card and new car with progress. I told him its possible to recover his last data using the Bandapassport Website. Just need a new card to migrate data to the new blank card. Either way, I am glad we can have conversations right after helping them out. Although I missed the holiday when I was attending Funeral. There was alot of people, said SKY my friend.

Whatever it is... My headache gradually became much more severe. Is that I am either sick or need to get some sleep. Either way, I will do Grocery or Laundry tomorrow instead....

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