5 October 2023

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Paid a visit to the studio of animation industry. With the students from College.

The studio, workers. amount of computers, the server room. Reminds me of the SCRS in Entry Point  but smaller, They accompany 2 floor of guide in a tall building. One thing that got me into deep thought was the career tips and advices especially QnA after the generalist worker's presentation in conference room. The word is "Have dreams and Goals, work on them". This is something I have negated myself from. I couldn't avoid being emotional about this and I need good therapy talk with someone with it. Anyway, afterwards. Students friends and our own say after tour end below the building. It was a heavy rain, So we have to call seperated Taxi. the fares is pretty evil as always. 

It's me and the anime club president again, I can very tell we both are introvert and talk little but seriously as much as possible but always a senior to me. He told me. that He is in love for one of my classmate, who is a Chinese that cannot speak Chinese. always communicate through English. And he admit the classes knows that. Weird that I doesn't since I am late joining this academy. With this talk, I assume he need advices about his actions and how to approach his love interest carefully. I wasn't a good advicer but I got this conversation through nicely. That at the end just be yourself that everyone likes you for. But I respect him for giving space and time between them. Afterward we say our ways goodbye and I went to arcade for my regular playtime again.

While I was on my way returning back to my suite after Arcade being entirely closed.  I bought this Portuguese egg tart. Why? There's this little dubious kid. Very cutely. 2 years old and small walking around seeing desserts and pointing fingers to show it to his family.

Seeing him desire for delicious snacks, melt my heart. I went ahead and bought one with fair price for him. The cashier takes it pretty long, Even I have to ask them to exchange for a different tart to less looking burnt one. Got the change and quickly went to look for the family with that kid. Sigh of relief that they haven't went too far and leave the mall yet. I approached the kid and gift him the tart. Without hesistation he accepted it, and His family noticed. I sent my regard to not worry I paid this just for my own will. And his family thanks much. Although the little kid couldn't bring himself to thank me since he doesn't know how to say it at first place (the father: Say thank you to the big brother!). The family thanked me for buying it for him. Returned home on my way as usual.

I always feel happy doing favor for others. Or maybe too kind even I helped with the veterans in wmmt arcade

I got my drying laundry to deal with, Have to before I set foot home tomorrow., I noticed that YH's girlfriend now take bath at our bathroom. She should be grateful despite not living here. But the housemates here have no problems with it so.. Anyway I should settle my dinner with Cereal or fast noodle.
About my Habit of biting nails, been like this for years. I should control myself with it. Lips biting as well, probably because I am just usually dry. I sometime consider myself as mermaid who gets dry and want to drink and dip in waters alot.

About returning back to hometown. I think I should carry both my street and laptop bag with me. And yeah, The gifts, DVD, Controller. and the pig plushies. It's only been 2 months since I'm here, Isn't it? I met new friends. learned new stuff, Adapted new skills and lifestyle. I am 20 years old Adult now. I shouldn't forget my pride, my channel and my family. Old friend back in hometown heard my plan to return from me want to play WMMT like old days once I am back. That is, After I have free time after family reunions

Concerned have to also buy a bus ticket on way back to the city. Or other ways. Worried I may not get back to college in time. Something like that. Either way I should enjoy my time with my parent and my good old hometown Because I'll be there just for 1 or 2 day.

Prepare and depart tomorrow. Starting at 6pm, I'll make my way to the Bus station. Have to make sure my tummy is full before setting off, Also should have Snacks/Water prepared on the way.

Food of thought, Just thought up the Apple Watch my dad gave me. Haven't use it for weeks because of it's board or battery dead. I left it until I charged it today. I'll wear it..... tomorrow.

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