6 October 2023 - Taking bus home

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Let's count the trip... RM 37.5, let's exclude the food I purchased on the way.

Now, I'm writing this on the bus. On the way here, Allow me to have my brain rewind....

Ah right, I am having big time serving guests at WMMT using my card... no no... this morning.

Last night, I have a call with my parents. My mom was obviously paranoid about my security like bus will leave me behind. Arrive on time. Bus is dangerous at night, I always say I am fine. I can take care of myself as 20 years old. But yeah these tips are important for first timer mistakes.

I cleaned up laundry this morning and prepared hell alot of stuff. I will refer to yesterday notes what I did bring. Like my laptop, gift box, bunch of snacks. And my trusty handheld bag. All with me, It's quite a weight but its the stuff part of my life. Of course, On my way I am friendly and also be wary of strangers who might pickpocket my stuff.

I am ready to set off and before 6pm, I arrived to the mall to eat and play at arcade until it's the time to go. I have big time serving guests with my cards and how to enjoy the most contents method with just one credit play. Stuff like that, I always thanked them for using my card. And have chat with the veterans players there. Now I'm thinking, What is really my ultimate goal investing in this arcade game? Shouldn't i put more hours into PC games and my channel instead? Self control really need to kicks in. But it didn't much. Whatever, I stay till exactly at 7 that reminds me that the staff from college advised me to depart at 6 even though bus leaves at 9pm.

It's true, that the bus station is like almost 2 hours away from here. In case I get lost or trouble I still have time to make up for the time to get on bus. It gradually gets more tense. MRT was fine, while KLIA transit wasn't. It was a whole new world out there and I have to ask people around for helps while keeping my attitude. Its awesome people still have kindness out there, And at the same time thanks to my training talking to strangers, my introvert personality doesn't kick out much anymore. Although it's still tiring to smile to everyone. Thanks to their help, I didn't get stuck or lost much. Sense of Directions is important in places you never been before. Well, For future it will never be a problem now since I know how to process all this.

Before I got to  bus station, I was hungry and decided to go for McDonald. I got stuck that my eWallet is logged out and error logging back in and there's no use using my credit card. Because of timeout my order were cancelled and theres customers behind me at the self service screen. It wasn't worth the time to eat here since it's super crowded restaurants so I continue forward and settled it eating fast noodles at nearby convenience store. They saved me bunch of time.  At the Bus central station, It is extremely crowded Theres alot of lines but thanks to me online tickets purchase at their dedicated website, It shorten the time I have to wait and I can straight go for the station and wait for bus without buying and processing. Just a receipt and QR code do the trick for my phone. But would be trouble if your phone battery dies though, but with invention of power bank these can be avoided. Still, I have to keep some notes in my wallet in case phone's wallet doesn't function well.

knowing that I should have got here at least before 1 hour was a massive hint, I quickly gulped down the soup of fast noodle cup. Not a seconds waste, find the right gate and ask around for direction then I got to the bus waiting station on time. It was 10 minutes before 9pm. Funny enough, the bus got delayed or late. There's these people who happened to be people of my hometown too. Figured since we are heading to same destination at same bus, Of course ill be sure to go toilet before heading on bus. Or its gonna be like toilet time in middle of watching movie in cinema but on bus that would be terrible to wait for a stop on a bus.

Boarding the bus, there's this couple want to switch seat with me. Yeah when we purchase a bus ticket we have to select our own designated seat. I'm fine with it. I sat down and went for the trip in darkness with crossing street lights. Writing this for minutes. I never forget how cold the air conditioner are in the bus. The vibration generated to the seat on a high speed bus. Seeing other people looking at their screen at darkness or take a nap. Well, It's gonna be around 2 hour before getting back to hometown. Sadly, my surprise is all ruined. that my parents will be waiting for my arrival.

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