9th September 2020, Wednesday

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How's today?

Today's events

I did not get enough sleep again, because yesterday I used most of my times for recording "Entry Point" video then play GTA V.

Alright for today, I woke up late but not late for arriving at school. Since they changed to new timetable. The physical education club work is back. It was originally there but It was removed due to event of COVID-19.

As again, Like last month. Which is The great deep fog and breeze wind blow through the window. This is why I like sitting by the window. Except this time it's even colder breeze. Man, even the students want to turn off the fans. At least It can calms my mind but why is the wind getting stronger and fog thicker?

I don't know if there's anything wrong with my English teacher. first, She was a bit late when she arrived at our class when it's English lessons. Second, When she start teaching and doing lessons normally but doesn't seem casually. But she gets upset or mad at students that is messing around or small mistakes from them. Which she is taking pretty seriously at education, She shouted at the students who sits in front of me loudly just because he is discussing with his other friend. I never see her mad or shout or upset this bad. Later few minutes, She is calm and somewhat humorous like normal her again. Feels like sudden personality change but no big deal.
But hey, My English teacher haven't complemented this much today just because my English is good. But seriously I'm not showing off because of this.

During other lessons. I got some small compliments from Teacher I don't know because she is jealous that I'm fine in English because she felt like average students's English is not fine in this School. Thinking that why is your english this good and not be in better class, that's because Malay is language barrier for me. Which affects my other subjects such as Science and History, You see. My English grade can be A or B but my other subjects are just near as failing (F). I keep saying that Haha no, this is just average it's not like I'm pretty good at it.

Talking about my fine English grade, It's not rare that teacher been asking me did you have English Tuition, Communicate your family using English like that. But No, It just me of normal gamer who use English everywhere. And I thought this is average.

I took a nap during lessons. My body felt like tired as drunk. I doesn't feel much relieved even after I did some stretches. Probably Sleep Deprivation effects. Aw my eyes is hurting it wanna closes itself.

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