2nd September 2020, Wednesday

36 2 0

How's today
Somewhat Boring

Today's Events

Today's start is not bad at all, No complains or argument. Thankfully, my mother prepared a bunch of flavored bread as breakfast. I got up earlier even I sleep late last night. Like around average 12am. The latest I got is 4am which I have to keep an eye watch on the Macbook Video Editor to prevent itself to crash and lose all my progress of the "Reflex Training OP" video I used to make. But that's not the point, I got to school earlier today. Seems good enough.

As usual, My teachers start teaching new lessons and discussed/do correction with the exam papers. My score is terribly bad. Every subject have a fair drop because recently it's harder to learn/do now. I don't know what's up with J. (Crush) Because she keep attending to class for one day then next day absent and attends again. I don't know what's up with her. But there's a few student still absent in my class, at least it's a increase compared to last week.

Before recess class, I was trying to finish copying the Chinese texts from whiteboard but my Otaku friend just starts to erase the texts because it's after Chinese class and most of them finished copying it except me. And I was like: "Hey wait I haven't finish copying it-" and he erased part of it which caused me have to copy the texts from someone's else homework. Then J. Giggles which mean she laughed at me, I felt a bit relieved. Because it's very rare she pays attention to me, She noticed as well. Then I carry on to make the scene more comedic value. Eh, I'm not a good writer isn't it? Anyway. When Chinese class ends. Yknow normal humans just do stretches when you wanna stand up or sat a long time. Me and J. Synced stretches. But I know this is normal for human body to reacts but it's a bit awkward because I was sitting next to her as well. Why am I mind too much about little things? It just something made me feel relieved. Anyway, In later classes we both erased the whiteboard ourselves. Which is nothing particular interesting.

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