30 December 2023 - The Mines with H

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Woke up exactly at 10am, thanks to my alarm but still go out at 1pm and head to nearby for lunch. I opened the COVID tester I bought the other day and think very long and read the instructions I decided that I will do it when I got back instead, I also called my mom and dad to check in about the wellbeing. I was told My brother is being sent to school camp for 2 day. Which mean I will have to help a bit with GT7 grinding when I got back.

Nonetheless, It is stupid of me go out quite late to board the Train station to reach to "The Mines" shopping mall just to meet my new friends and their groups. Of course, we talked on voice chat in discord the other day. Pretty chill hangout group, I think even though If I miss their schedule I could play at that mall's WMMT for Online crowns instead. But would be ide to meet them on the spot. I might as well as Address him "H" here. H. Is a Malay student who apparently is older than me. Known to be Comic Fiesta employees that cosplay there as well. Like cars & touhou. We further planned a hangout with his other group of friends on discord server the other day. Either way, Today he shared his Live Location in the group chat and I noticed he is coming by driving from other state.

Im not sure if I can make it in time there from 1:56pm and then meet at 3pm. Kinda afraid it might take longer to get there.

Damn, I kinda regret a bit got out pretty far but since its already this far I cannot back out now even though I am expected arrived a bit late and not optimal time to spend. Well, I might as well sacrifice the night time from Tropicana Mall WMMT arcade showdown to watch. But still, Its quite a experience to navigate and go through somewhere far from where I live myself. Yeah I shouldnt bother Night arcade game too much since that is always available. Either way, Instead of Bus I took Taxi on the way and driver is funny and sociable.

Today is the day that let me forget myself for a day. Although my "H"'s friend did not show up but he did. So the hangout is just 2 of us. At first I thought his friends are coming with him so I pretend to be hidden and act as surprise. Turns out its only himself. The new season 3 Initial D arcade is hella fresh but pricey cost per play. One game credit for 4 RM. But its graphics and immersion is surely very good compared to WMMT. My friend told me that It 's data save card is compatible to the Bandapassport which was meant to be Mimi card. First play is free and Touhou event going on. Instead of choosing Impreza. I went for Suzuki Cappuccino in this one instead, and went ahead play few games of story mode to tune up and then event stages to get event related items for Avatar or stickers for cars.

Of course theres WMMT here as well and surprisingly the players here are greatly skilled but not as crazy as the one near my mall so it's not difficult to win the battle with them. And they are amazed upon seeing my cars progression. And of course as good manner I asked them whether if I can intrude battle or not. And managed to get a Crown with my brother's In game, Aventator. So the Online Crowns here are not as difficult as the Tropicana Mall I know.

We not only played racing games. But generally also Rhythm games, 2P Taiko No Tatsujin together with Touhou songs since Events is also in somehow. But thanks to my other friend Patrick I know how to get event related items through their website and game. "Maimai Festival" is introduced to me with new game data. Even though each game for these rhythm games are RM 4 per play. It surely quite a pleasant, too bad Initial D Season 3 new arcade just released this month to Malaysia and its still rare installment for Kuala Lumpur cities. So far the community of arcade games know theres only 2 places which is Sunway Velocity & The Mines shopping mall.

Now I mentioned it, throughout the day I shared the events using pictures shared in the family's group chat. And they recognized back then we been to "The Mines" mall as family together before. The boat ride as such/

On the return journey. H is fine taking me a ride to closer Train Station to get back to the tropicana mall with his car. We talked alot about games and animes. So far I know we shared in common with Touhou and generally Japanese racing games (his fav is Evo4). I like the idea even he plays playlist of Touhou games, He seems a bit excited or nervous when we talk or interact each other so I retain my mature personality to communicate with him. But still, He have to travel very far back to another state by himself including his studies so I respect him. Either way, By the time I arrived at Tropicana mall through MRT stations its about closing time for the arcade. I definitely missed the showdown today but what happened today is far better experience and day. I went through far to navigate to mall far away, able to meet up with a friend that other his friends couldn't make it and have fun to discover new games together.

For unknown reason I wanted to stay up and doesnt wanna go sleep till 3:45 am. It was bad stomach digestion, and I went to toilet right away. Oh well

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