20-21 October 2023

7 0 0

I always wake up feeling not enough sleep and now I feel like i have sore throat.. And I sneeze alot. Is it getting cold these days?

Today I dreamt about porno magazine or book related genshin impact galop hook whatever there Sucrose studies. And around me is boys and girls reading it together and get turn on, What the hell is wrong with my mind... That's so messed up.

I guessed I will eat cereal and go to arcade like how I always wanted to but this time with my laptop so I actually do something else than spending entire day at arcade. Ah crap, my same group is asking for help in assignments again. The last time I literally carried the entire assignment thankfully It's what I like and what familiar the most. But for this week? Instead of Japanese animation. It's History of Malaysian art. And I know nothing about it, and now we are getting carried instead.

I bought some robux yesterday, Yes. Only for 1 USD with 80 robux but enough to buy 300 bux on Bloxburg because I wanna get on with new land and design my own without bills killing. Also Fast food worker is def very good as long as you got someone working on it with you. But if solo, Pizza delivery.

21 October

Today. I am going out near 12pm. First, bring my grocery bag to nearby supermarket to buy most of what I needs. Garbage bag, cereal, canned food, etc etc. And then store it back in suite.Then I grab my computer bag out and take it to Train station to pay a visit to another mall. I heard multiple times nobody goes to that arcade because of terminal being unsuable as well as buy swimming googles and extra goods there.Before sets off, Let's complete a daily grind of GT7.

I decided, let's buy alot of food supplies. I brought out extra money from my money packets as well. After witnessing housemate gonna fry an egg and make her own meal. I am inspired to make my next meal as good as those too, not sure about the plan of DIY pizza. Theres minor concern for spendings on food but it can't be helped right? It's food after all, and again. As i stepped outside I forgot to bring my umbrella for this heavy rain. Afterward I am done shopping, I'll go out to eat in Restaurant and stick around arcade with my laptop.

I figured if I have nothing to do, I will organize my files and backup through cloud and physical drive. Or just progress on the game I want to play. But assignments always come to my last priority which is a bad thing, Ever since I lived here I haven't buy a single clothing and stick with same set of clothing from hometown. And my habit or bitting lips and nail never goes away. But that seems impossible apparently I have assignments going on and putting stress on me. and I should really make videoes on my channel. My heart just get nervous when I think about it

Also I got these extra Candy from the Halloween event maybe I should give away to those kids.

After just shopping food and provisions and ended up have to pay 90 ringgit and have to remove just a single packet of frozen nuggets to reduce it to 71. God cities expenses is crazy.

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