30 August 2023

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Today we learn about "Value Drawing"
My favorite, because I usually use eraser to shade it like a paint. Basically this is tone from light to dark. Highlighting the shadow and whether the area is light or dark. But we will be lectured that the other day now we learn in similar situations.

Shading Techniques: there is "Hatching" which is done by lines, "Crosshatching" which is same previous one but in X crosses. "Contour Hatching" follow the direction of the shape in which is a shadow drawn curved to the object. "Scribble" feels like dotting and balls. Similar creating a golf ball effects.
"Blending/Smudge" etc etc..

But mainly we go with Hatching, Crosshatching, Dots or Stippling, Scribble, Blending/Smudge. Drawing is not my best form of art but I'll have to learn.

I kinda want to make a vector portrait of my dad to show appreciation of what I learned and he paid my education. The cover of this wattpad is the vector portrait I drew the other day, The subject is Roger Clark. It isn't the best but I am satisfied with it, about my dad I feel like lazy but wanting to. Maybe I'll do it in the future.

Me and my housemates works on group assignment and I got worried that I didn't contribute and they have 0 trust in me. Oh yeah, tomorrow I gotta meet with online friend irl. In the regular arcade I always been to. I meet this young couple playing at arcade togethe regularly again. Although they both got job though.

I watched a family hangout and play the game franchie of WMMT. They are joyful battling each other car, but when they are done and leave the arcade. I noticed they left their precious keychain behind. I immediately ran straight looking for them and successfully returned to them. Reminds me how I use to find for lost owner items at this regular arcade I always go.

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