20 August 2023

15 0 0

How much moneh did I use today....

Used RM50 to use and top up in arcade machines. Met new people where the students, kids even dad of a family with a kid plays the arcade games together. There was one this faulty arcade machine where instead of inserting tokens to play, you use the credit card scanner to play. The thing is, it transferred my money to each credit and the game doesn't even start. That's scam and faulty reader. The arcade runs by 0 employees and alot of CCTV at the moment and everything to top up your card are self services, I contacted the number followed at the counter. Nobody came, I placed a note and sticker on the card reader. Hoping it warns other customers and employees notices it because it's basically scam at this point. After a shortwhile, employee finally came and compensated my lost credit. I think I had ton of fun today. But I wont describe the details too much. I'll save the RM25 in my game card for next Saturday where my online friend could bring me out to play together.

After spending the afterevening at the mall, I noticed mr.DIY store upper level. Caught my attention and figured to buy stuff the household and what I needed. Went and then spent RM140 in total of it, that's so much I have to tell my parents about it and hear them out. Only just to have my housemates paid me RM18, I think, I spent too much just for my housemate. I should think for myself too... this is my thoughts after I got home with them opening door for me.

About what I bought, it's alot of ingredients for food cooking. Like Cheese tofu, Tomato sauce, processed cheese, Spatula, Snacks, cup noodles, watercolor as such. But I didn't bought what I truly need it. I think it's Electric shaver, Drawing Paper, and Standing fan for my housemate.

Saw "100plus Hydration bar" the other day. I bought one myself to try it out. It taste like those summer drink where they have these grains of ice where the entire bar is filled with those. So I assume they took 100plus to freeze it then crush it into super tiny pieces?

So much times has passed I almost forgets to check my online messages like Discord and probably abandoned my YouTube channel as well. I shouldn't do that, my main income is my channel. I really shouldn't let my years of building the channel gone to waste even though it's not in healthy state right now but I still get income from it and I need it.

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