12 December 2023

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Damn, My relatives says she will pick me up at 1pm. Instead of near evening, but at least I will fetch myself back to KL yeah? Just as I miss even more staying at Hometown with my family and play PlayStation 5, I mean. I still can play it with Remote Play but will reduce the immersion and delay the remote play.

So for my journey back to KL to continue studies. I will be expected to submit form for absence at college, Attend the only day for Anime/Game Club after class, A new gadget to my inventory, Old Digital Camera with utilities ready within a bag. And some new clothes, Yeah. These should do. When I return my only main goal is to Studies and score high... this is what I expectation I have for myself

Oh right, My P driving license will due this 23. But it doesnt matter, Since it's probably not an issue if its overdue and cant drive a car. I will deal with it next return. For now I'll be out Lunch with my grandma, and my younger brother as well as my dad's second brother.

Kinda sad we didnt get to take photo together before I be on my way returning to KL city.Yes. A photo with Me, Dad's second brother, my younger brother and then my dad would be nice. Since dad's second brother only stay here for a week and then return to America. Not sure how long before I get to meet him again. He is a great brother for my dad.

I asked the relatives who is taking me up after I took a heavy nap in the backseat with their son & daughter. Of course, she and her husband take turns in driving the SUV. I asked that how did second grandmother passed away. A much more specific in the process. That my grandmother injected morphine before her sleep and mainly lacks of oxygen in the blood. So basically its lack of oxygen. And then there causal talk about other relatives.

We will have dinner near her house district for now. Since the road through city is too busy for me to get there. I tried to offer their family dinner but she instantly cut down with it just like her other sister. But my father asked me to offer them...

They will make a stop to their apartment for a few minutes. And then have her husband take me to the my suite probably take around 30minutes. Their apartment doesnt look the tidiest but it is certainly clean at very least theres alot of utilities prepared around. Ha, one day. I will help their son install Sonic games on their PC since the other day he told me he like Sonic The Hedgehog video games and I lend him my laptop to play these games I own.Either way, it is relatively close to "Subang Parade" which is interesting because my Wangan Navigator always miles check-in everyday there. And first time in a while I actually been there. Me and her husband talked alot on the way back.

At last, back at suite. As I wonder. None of my housemates seems to be questioning my whereabouts or absence. Only one of my WMMT friend did, I guess I am pretty much non existent or ignored by othersNot sure if I have enough time to make it to arcade but I figured It will be closed and not enough time to spend when I get there. I should be organizing my luggage, finish what I have to on my laptop then get some rest.

Right. There's Complusory Enterprenuship Program tomorrow starting at 7am. Let's don't oversleep.

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