3 February 2024

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It's 1pm already, I feel like I don't want to wake up, but I think I should do something really.

For the whole afternoon I stay at my dorm I mean suite and haven't bath or eat anything. Just enjoying Rythm games on my own pace but it's bad for my health.

I decided to head out by 7pm, planning to head to arcade early. Since it's the time where theres more activity of players there at weekends or so. Plus, I need to eat too. I registered the Wangan Navigator that got Fully tuned tickets in it after bath then heads out. Judging by the activities of recent friends. It seems they are also finished with SPM exam. Thus returning to arcade and play

Arcade session is not very fullfilling. I didn't see people I know much there. Instead I am greet by friend SKY again. Anyway, I offered my friend Patrick a game and I said it's fine but he originally to play another time since he is tired. For WMMT, I almost beat the crowns. Just need more tries. But I found myself starting to spend more time into playing Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage on my mobile phone, Well it should be keep me entertained on the bus back home. But I think I am neglecting my channel, Think I should wokr on it sometimes.

My friend Patrick is planning to buy two pair of drumstick to play at arcade. Originally he wanted only a pair but seeing a double pair of a price close to 1. So asked me If he wanted to buy for me. that's nice of him considering but so it's a plan to pay half of it.

At land of dorms, Should I continue calling it suite? Dorm should be the closer dorm to what I am living.  Anyway, While I am on my way back to my dorm. Which the convinient store in it is open. Outside, I see a women bought a pack of cat food and show it to the cats outside the store that the cats is seen usually near it and fed by the people ther.e make me think how nice they are. Good deeds huh? Reminds the time days ago I gave away extra pack of my supper to a security guard that is usually seen by the gate of the dorm land gate. It's rice with fried rice inside. Thinking about it makes me hungry so I decided to shop in the store anyway.

Why did I let myself starve like this... The KFC meal I ordered was snacks meal box and it doesn't fill much my stomach, And not to mention I didn't even have breakfast or lunch. I could have sacrifice one more RM just to have rice with fried chicken.

Back at dorm. I play PS5 games, GT7 and Ghost Of Tsushima like before. Also later lend my friend that is back in my hometown my steam games. He is prtety excited to play the games he wanted without buying (Forza Horizon 4). Which is funny, theres many games I bought but never play them.

While packing up stuff to return past midnight. I manage my stuff prirority in bags. Like for example. My savings and laptop on my primary backpack. While clothing and others are on second backpack. So if anything happens I lose it's not much, As long as this primary bag is with me all the time I should be good. Thinking about it I must go to toilet before boarding the bus. The time I have hold it for hours is very painful and deadly.

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