25 October 2023

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Namco Server in Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune 6RR go on maintance today.

I actually have 2 different desktop on my laptop, One is OperaGX, Discord and games. And the other one is where I put my assignment and homework minimized. And uses Google Chrome to surf the web for answers and such only. On this screenshot right here. These are final assignments of my first semester. The biggest concern is that I only continue working on little progress with them a long while.

I had a dreamt where I thought I could drive cars I owned in GTA:Online through real life. Very funny isn't it? This means video games has influenced myself alot.

I think I should reinstall some old heavy games since the RAM upgrade on laptop. My discord friend wanted to play NFS heat with me. And today is the today where Bandai will do Maintenance on WMMT. 

I am supposed to go to academy by 8:30am, and no. I continued lay to sleep and deep slumber until waking up 11pm and then surf the youtube shorts for 1 hour. I know this is a bad thing but I know the time in class is gonna be used for doing assignment and I'll be there afternoon. But please remind myself don't do this anymore. I have to take care of myself and be responsible properly. I took a bath after I woke up from my bed. Before the shower is on, I faced upon a Mirror. Reminds me there's a ROBLOX game where if you stare yourself at too long you will face mental vision something like that. After a minute of staring myself into my lens. I feel nothing and all I see is just a depressive nerd with thick glasses.

I just felt even more depressed after my thinking about my assignments when I compare it to everyone. I should give it up and never show others mine. But yet again I can't just do that I need to be strong and actually work

When I exit the block. Facing the greens and pools. I felt inner peace. It calm my mind when I stare into nature and gardens when there's no one everyone. And I could sit for hours there just to relax until I want to do something

My phone front camera is still functioning at bad condition where it loses its focus and everything I take will be blurred out so sometime I get stuck If I have to use digital wallet to pay a restaurant and some arent a problem because they scan your phone screen's code instead.

After college, We took a little walk through the grocery just to buy little things. It is fun, we partway at the mall because I still want to go to arcade like usual. Although I bought myself a freezed Seafood tofu. Not sure how long it last without freezing it.

Also I placed my drawing assignments folders at college because I'll be there to work on it the next day and it's a hassle to carry it home. At the same time Theres a bookstore near the college that allows me to print A2 paper for one of my assignments so it's a solid plan. I dont know about me or because self low esteem I tends to think that whether if I'm able to make it back to suite safe even being paranoia helps or not. Or whatever. I'm gonna have my cheap dinner somewhere inside the mall.

Funny stuff, My cellular data provider inform me that I ran out of 4G data and stuck with the slowest internet possible. The basic internet, and to deal with it. I have to reload my data provider account in order to buy a new plan. But the thing is, The internet is tooo slow and it got timeout when it's going through the bank transactions pages. This means I cannot reload my account if unless I connect myself to a fast WiFi. Luckily though theres 3 ringgit in my account right now and I can use it to activate a Rm3 only 1 day booster to rescue myself. I dont know about you but i think its super funny

I saw another guy on my way back home. He happened to be picking his finger nails. Happened to be wearing simple shirt, blue jeans and a sneaker shoes. Also casual black glasses like me. I guess I found my people.

Damn, there's tiny bone inside the first seafood tofu I reheated. Now I can't eat my fast noodle in peace. The little bone poked my tongue like toothpick

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