18-19 February 2024

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I have that heavy dream again, happened years ago I remember, where I am character from Red Dead 2 Arthur Morgan travel far far land to secret adobe world. Firstly, It was through jungles and trees with the Van Da Lin gang, I can see Micah, Dutch and other members. Heading into cave, found a secret mansion interior within and open the gate within passage where the other world is next through the door. The snow rush upon us, the door to next world and area seems to be heavily bright by sun and covered in snow.. that sounds cool... I woke up.

Neck stiff.I'm on my bed hearing my brother playing Red Dead Online in Living Room. I checked my phone that is charging on the stand. Alot of messages coming in, my hometown friend says he will head out by Afternoon of 12pm. Right now it's 10:45am, My buddy Alvin from KL asks me how to setup online emulation for WMMT. Also mention college has posted announcements the publish of our Exam results slips.

My brother is arrogant as ever, still want me to hand him over his wallet instead of taking himself. Ask him to call mom but ask me to do it myself. Kind lazy but somehow I am fine with it.

Fun day, eating out somewhere for lunch at restaurants with my brother. Then meeting hometown friend at mall, and most of the time we play is WMMT. The first opponent I meet is literally very rude. Proceed to 1v1 trying to brake block to extreme till very low speed and I just slow down behind him. Cut his win streak of local versus 5 wins and he left afterwards, Just want to show my brother and hometown friend that you don't need to be excessively aggressive to play a game. Few games battle with the skilled players in the arcade is fun. At least we still hold good sportsmanship unlike some of other players I met. And we have another lunch with the hometown friend at fast food within the mall. For this time I offered a meal with him. We played enough and full-filled then proceeded to drive him home. Oh yeah, my relative that my brother love to meet is coming back.

I forgot to mention that my hometown friend managed to finish the VSOrg Japan event and used fully tuned ticket for Championship White NSX NA1. And he is quite satisfied with it.

19 February 2024

Nearby PC tech shop, asked the fellow boss himself to help me get the laptop back to working condition. 

I learnt that BitLocker is a function that protects drive from unauthorized access. After multiple tries of recovery, the operating system got severely corrupted and required a reinstallation while having the files back up. Instead of keeping Windows 10, I decided for Windows 11 upgrade since 10 is gonna be eliminated far in the future and adopting to the new is much more advisable with better security and supports unfortunately. For the drive partition I went for separated 200GB and 300GB. The boss himself explained it to me about it. 
Grandma gave me RM100 hearty, since she cannot pack Ang Pau for me due to recent late family members. Also reason that I am heading back to live in KL.

 Got my laptop working and some files transferred. The main difference is Windows 11, And I have install everything back and find missing softwares then settles personalization.

Anyhow, I will use some of the time setting up my laptop and programs as such. My dad mentioned that we will be heading up to KL to travel a bit tomorrow.

My brother grew himself quite some peculiar hair that his bedridden hair is somehow looks good and free floating. Anyway, All of us family members is preparing to head out up to KL and Genting Highlands to travel together. Like last time a long while ago. Prepare clothing, some food, and equipments, coats ready to depart At morning.

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