31 October 2023

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Worst dream ever, What happened??

I saw it's a modernized city, but a little more advanced look than the city right now. It seems to be in 2026?

The person I'm in control of, Is still me but alternative version of me? Right now, I just shopping groceries with two plastic bag in my hand. At the counter, This security warned me about my previous actions: "Crawling through the vents 8 times and other as such and tell me do not do one of those again." 

It just sound like this person I'm in control of have commited illegal acts or quite a bad record before. And right now I'm shopping like a normal person. Later after I passed the register and exit the supermarket by the mall. I was being made fun by other low-life group of people. They grabbed my groceries and throw at me. And I feel like I met them before and my body act on it's own to dodge and avoid them. After security approached and they ran away. Seconds later I just realized my groceries is gone and it happened so fast they took with it. So everything I bought are gone and I got home and have stress. Yes, I felt Stressed in Dream which is not possible in first place. It is was caused me to wake up at 11pm today.

But after that sequence of dream, I'm in a dark surburban house with all windows curtains closed and the only lights is the candle that is on the dining table. I am sitting around the dining table with a wooden chair. Looking into a photo potrait on the table. It's my father? and why I am feeling sad looking at the picture? Is it because he passed away....?

Afterwards everything was black and dark, I hear an alarm growing louder. And my neck feel alot of pain. and sooner after, I opened my eyes. I woke up from the dream. And the pain just just instantly went severe pain. It is unplesant. I am also sneezing, Damn, even I set the fan to 1 speed It is still too cold? I should have sleep with fans off. I have blanket on sir... Either way, the dream seems sad and humilating. Prepared my bathroom items with fresh set of clothing and went to bath...

After the bath, I prepared my stuff to go to college. Know well that they have padlock locked from the outside with the metal gate. My classmates has already left without making much sound. Yeah... I woke up a little late and clusmy. I doubt they will still wait for me to go for taxi ride together. Today is probably the day to submit basic computer assignments. Hopefully mine doesn't feel to halfassed

Oh yeah. I promised the staff member there I should buy hydration bar 100plus for her to try. Maybe a few than 1 since it's her last few day before she switch to work somewhere else. Of course, with no nearby store selling these kind of items I know one where is it located. It's under the arcade few floors within the mall so I went there. I came across with the familiar autoshop again and waved the employees or friends there hello.

So I shopped in the mall. When I'm close by I couldn't unhear and feel the sound of arcades machine's attract mode music and sound effects. "Get it out of my head, I have college to attend to, I'll come back to you later"... I have to constantly remind myself I'm not here to play. Just to buy something and go. Yeah... I'm probably gonna be late a bit but at very least I will be there not too late and gifts for the staff before she departs.

Although there's not many students at academy right now. Only few of us is here to look for help and seek improvement in their assignments. That is I learned a few tool the lecturer taught us with it. The staff I want to give Hydration bar is busy so I'll just lend the fridge and store it cool for a while meanwhile I be sitting in library to work on this assignment. Yeah the college is pretty quiet, with few students and staff. I supposed to feel at ease but at the same time is not. Ah, it's assignment. It constantly reminds me that.

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