10-11 December 2023

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Whenever Im walking with my younger brother, He gives me impression of someone with bigger ambitions and hobbies.

 Theres alot of aspects we have in common but he usually be the one who corrects me since he knows stuff better than me but its good because of it we talk and play together alot.

There is me, my father, and my first grandmother eats at McDonald. After nearly 8pm then we have to continue attend the funeral of my late second grandmother. Though I mentioned I suppose be there by 2PM but my father was busy at that time and out with his second elder brother so me and my brother plays games for a while. My mother also prepared food and snacks to bring up to the funeral as well. By all means I have no transport to get to the travel in such distance.

Now I mentioned it, I am supposed to board the bus at 2PM today. But voided it and decided that one of my relatives who live near my suite & district will take me up there. I hear out my father that I will offer her family a dinner with the money in my bank account.

Realized how exhausted and much work he have to go through in this week. Having to continue work his job, while managing some stuff for me & his elder brother's stay, take me & brother to attend the funeral and then return with him. Plus, he still have to take my brother to school. Which is why it's must to do lengthy and good massage for my father while he is talking with his friends. At the very least I spend some time with nephew & relatives there. With just a bit annoying.... z ZZzZ

11 December

We have to be at the funeral place before 10am. I don't want to mention I stay up until 4am. And then I woke up at 8am. Now heading out at 8:54am. Since theres food at funeral place, breakfast won't be a problem.

My landlord contacted me regarding the rental payment of December. I told her these days have been busy with funeral and will deal with it tonight. Plus, theres Tenancy Agreement. Theres this bullet reminds Food Stealing is prohibited, which I never do before but remembered I took 2 eggs in secret from the others. Thats all.

All things considered I read. What need to keep in mind is room clean, no dishes overnight, No guest overnight stay unless Landlord agrees. I will be sending off and taking a stroll with others before burial/incinerate of the coffin. My second grandmother has come a long way, For our part way or farewell words I am not sure what Grandpa said but It is super sad, their daughters which is my mother cries alot.

For free time, I didnt bring my laptop up. Since I will be at the funeral busy for almost whole time. Not really, My body is exhausted. For my free time I just surf the internet and look into more about game details during free time.

In these Chinese Funerals, they can hire food services, stage speech services, even the musician for the mourings. The words are used in either Mandarin or Cantonese which I dont understand but if you do. It means something that some of us cries.For this one, we board out bus far away to a yard to do burial.

At night, Me & family as well as other relatives. Lex, Dad's Second Elder Brother too out to Bar to have dinner together. Since he want to try out the new bar somewhere not too far. Sigh, I recalled I talked about missing my Hometown quite sometime with my grandma (not the second one) since tomorrow I am going to return near evening. Back to college, Back to suite. But it's a good thing right? I get to study the stuff with friends I liked and do the stuff I want during free time too. It just that the difference is I have to take care myself instead my parents. I discovered a new way to budgeting myself in which is "Daily Login Bonus", everyday I get a small bonus of money for the day instead of too much to budget myself like video games... that doesn't sound too bad either.

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