14 January 2024

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Yesterday I went to bed very early. Which was 10pm, Assuming that I overslept too much for past few days have accumulated my drowsiness. Apparently my friend voice called me while I was sleeping but it was silenced.

I dropped whatever I was doing on my laptop yesterday and went to bed without thinking anything. Because I left a light on. It pierces my eyes and I keep waking up at 1am, then 5am and then 7am. The dream was very weird, The land I am currently living in. Well, living on right now. It's a Prison, I see the bedroom I am in have a bullet camera at the celling corner. The atomsphere seems to be light orange with no LED lights. I can see I still have my study table, wadrobe, my bed and my phone in my hands too. As I look out the window secured by metal bars I see someone is waving their hand at me and I waved back. The outside is apparently prison or penitentiary. covered in thick fogs that I can't look further. But I take it as video game that I sorta have third eye of freecam around the place to make my escape later. I entered 3rd person animation and does stuff that goes with flow video game alike. Alarm blazing. Few minutes later I am awake. It was 5am If I am not wrong. Although I felt I slept enough but eyes hurt. Turned off the light and went back to sleep to wake up at 10am.Housemates seems to be cooking at the kitchen as I heard the noise outside my bedroom.

I been occupied by a computer virus spreading on files. And bothered by the solution, should really bring it to nearby computer store to settle with this that might eventual complete using a clean OS of the recovery.

So fed up in everything, Have to deal with assignments and the status of my laptop files being infected one by one. There's no seamingly impact yet, I searched up the web that it might steal my private information like passwords. My antivirus can't detect it due to it's being stealthy. And often adviced that I should clean up and use another clean laptop to change passwords instead and better to not share files on this computer between other computer for it. Well, I guess I still have to continue doing assignments right? I rather take doing Assignments on this laptop over the virus. Screw them. In matter of fact I am also destroying myself. It's 2pm and I haven't eat anything yet. which I should and deal with those later.

It's been 3pm and I still have no progress on my assignments nor going out because I am watching YouTube while having antivirus managing the virus removal, anyway. I am going down the block to eat instead. Wellbeing is far more important than the work. After lunch I felt refreshed. I can leave concern of virus alone and let antivirus continue cleaning while i work on part of assignment.

The powerpoint presentation of the Custom Typeface assignment is rushed but still think its better quality than the other teammates I think they have to in order to rush other assignments as well. But I managed to get it done by 8pm and head out quickly, skipped ordering a dinner down the block of the place I live at and proceeded to luck myself to check if the mall still have anything left sell cheap for me and I took it to settle dinner. Very hasty day I must say. I did not play, only to stay back to watch friends of friends trying to full crown using Hiace Van in WMMT and only high speed course is difficult due to slower acceleration which crossed out vehicles performance over skills when comes to Top Speed only course. I recalled earlier before I head to arcade I came across mini market to buy bread and snacks at very least I have some munchies by bedroom

I noticed sometimes my college mate Lyhan comes to YH's bedroom. I knocked on them and checked them out. I felt nervous when he entered my room which I shouldn't do in which, I should be welcoming him into my room instead. I lied to him yeah I was about to sleep but honest about I was doing assignments and still have to which is a bit rude of me. Soon before they said goodnight to me they want me to lend him my condonium card so his girlfriend does not get locked out when overnight visitor pass expired.Either way, I should sleep earlier than usual. Since I have to wake up tomorrow early. Prepare to actually work on the movie art book assignment and then deal with the photography one.

Days ago I been playing some High school romantic visual novel games. This makes me realizes, Should I try to look for love in college? I mean it's not my ideal path in life for early age but maybe It's a good idea to be in friendship with another girl. Sounds funny if I take it like some romance script writer or game. Junior, Same semester or senior. haha, very funny White. Focus your god damn studies.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of JournalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora