17 December 2023

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Damn, I fell asleep right after I lay my stuff on the bed. That time I was so sleepy that I cannot get up, leaving my gifts and stuff laying on the bed with me along with lights on. Anyway how, This allows me to wake up at 9:30am.

The landlord's old maid happens to be cleaning the common area of the suite such as kitchen and bathroom. She have been seen quite a few times since I live here. I should offer her something to eat. Since everyone is usually in their room sleep or awake, they don't greet her. Perhaps the leftover sandwich from the last night? I should reheat it from the fridge.I havent call my parents for sometime, I should give it a call.

Hmm, Since I will be messing around teknoparrot games, I just recalled that... why? You have bunch of games. Alot of legit purchased game and you dont play them and instead play arcade low contents game. So I thought, Asserto Corsa, reinstall just to play with friends.

There's too much stuff plan to do, Playing Emulator games and mess around. Seems very interesting at the same time. I should play steam games? PS5 Remote play? Open the gifts? Make Entry Point videoes?? But thinking about it, None of these are productive stuff, Or just go and take a walk. Thinking about it makes my brains hurt.

Quite a few hours has passed after messing around and make analyzing about WMMT6R on emulator. And few hours mainly playing Taiko No Tatsujin Nijiro on emuldator... I should really go outside lol.

Prom Night was yesterday right? I just done pretty much most of the stuff like daily check in, in-game quest. Call of duty mobile.... I glared outside the window, Thinking that. I should really head outside and eat.

Bump to a classmate friend on the way from down the block by the suite. Happened to be heading to the same mall. Not to eat but buy medication and covid test. He also reminded that I should get one too, Probably because it happened that senior of his got sick and he have to help with it. We have such calm conversations with each other but part way since we have different destinations to reach. Although he did mention about the arcade game I usually goes and he ask me more in depth of it. So I answered.We werent able to find a Pharmacy or place within the mall that sells COVID tester. But at least he is able to buy painkiller.

I ordered a 17RM KFC Fast Food meal. Probably economical but also fullfilling balanced choice I picked. Taped at Self service then payment, at the counter there were two plate prepared for dine in. 250, 248... Yeah. No customer seems to be taking it. Oh there is one. 250, but 248... is still been left on there. There is intrusive thoughts of pretending that is my meal but better not eat off someone else's money and consider steal.

As expected of Weekend, plenty of players to challenge at the arcade, seeing it always throbs my heart.

The arcade is pretty heated, Just as Weekend expected. In terms of Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RRThe veterans, pros, casual are all here. The thing is I am casual and most of people are pros. We watch and we join in and play. I only played for 6 matches with versus and then story mode. I am only able to win them once and afterwards we quickly shifted with Time Attack session, There's casual players trying out the gamemode, Familiar and friends just want to beat their own personal record. and then back to 4-way versus. for 2 way? It's intense as hell, 2 Veteran got very heated up playing agaisnt each other. so much we in the back the groups me and my friend discuss about the game overall. About the upcoming 6RR+, How good is the older generations of the game and the playstyle drastically changed. Even Bandai says Aero Parts doesn't affect performance but just like the chinese they will say they do and I am not sure so I even followed. We talk with each other until arcades closes. The strategies, the insane player who do versus. I am not good as others, but I am only know what worth sharing the information I dig and discovered than improving myself at the game.The words I remembered are, "Next time we meet these groups of pros, I will bring one of the friend I know that can beat them insanely" "Next time we meet I will help you choose aeroparts for your car" "Your car GDBC is too light, it not good but it have great potentional" Alvin told me "Continue improve your car linings" Those sort of words... Either how, We part way and it's pretty late as 11pm, I should really sleep and then ready for class tomorrow. Now I mentioned it, Yes. The President of the Collge is going to visit and do presentation to us after class.

Knowing well, these are times where you have free time and should enjoy while  you can before assignments and stuff hits on you.

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