18-19 September 2023

8 1 0

God damn it, I got up late today again and it's lesson day.

The worst thing yet is, I dropped my underwear in the open when I am half asleep bringing the fresh clothes and shampoo going to the bath. The girls must have seen it, oh well. that' embarrassing. At least I told them to go without me so they won't me late waiting for me. I have to use much more costly Taxi method to arrive to college faster.

Knowing that It's only one day and club activity later in evening. I should take it not too harsh, Keeping a composure and steady is what should prevent me make further mistakes. Anyway, It's time where my group need to present "Evolution of Camera" in the class. I don't know much about Camera but I'll have to be a good speaker reading the board. Good thing I arrived on time when the lectuerer is checking for attendance.

I should stop spending money in Arcade for real, Or maybe like. Reduce the usage, Because I may end up using parent's actual money. For WMMT6RR I'll do terminal check-in and just go home. Play all the video games I bought on PC Steam. What it's funny is I could play smoothly and fine with WMMT emulator

Oh yeah theres club activity today, We continued the A Way Out games and finally reached to Hospital chapter. But the vice president can't seems to fit in and talked to me about it. He's actually in this club for Animes and not really into games. So I proposed the idea for our next game/anime club activity to watch Anime or TV series together. Able to probably fit 4 episodes for under 2 hour.

At home I watched my online friends play Call of Duty Warzone, worrying because of my laptop stutters again like the first time and being unplayable. And I got the settings and conditions peak to be playable for us to properly play together without using PS5 console crossplay.

Also, I finished watching Mushoku Tensei Season 2 and Episode 12. Almost cried but let's not get into the details. I also done small part of our final assignments.

Okay this whole diary is a mess since alot of different thoughts came in right now as I type this at 3am. Let's stop writing and sleep now okay you got class tomorrow.

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