23 September 2023 - mate's intorduction

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So the reason why my housemate is not cooking at kitchen...

It was the rice pot. It broke down, that's why they bought a new one yesterday. And yesterday night we have to discuss to be responsible and spend some for the household. The boy was not at home until 1am so another time it is.

Right now, the bathroom door locked itself. The locks does not want to unlock from the inside, So we have to keep the door left open when not in use. Yeah. Even my bedroom lock is some what issue that the locking button is harder to push in but it's no big deal when there's block to lock from inside and I still got keys. For bathroom door? No keys.

Alot of the students trip to Penang already have fun. One of the household mate is the girl who turned 18 this year. I can't mention her name because I worry It would violate other people's real identity and privacy. Or maybe I could give them a codename like how I used to back then?

Alright. Here we go:

Pen,CQ (Girl Housemate 1)
The girl who turned 18, Is the girl I somehow fall in interest with. Also one of my housemate, She usually stylize with black top and white baggy pants. She always keep checks of her appearance. I remember the most back then she wears a school sailor dress and she's looks good with it. Have interests in video games and Japanese TV shows so when we talk to each other we got common topics to talk with.
She's much more introvert and shy than I am, so communication is not always best person to person. Her skills is not as good as others in terms of cooking and household tasks this she'll have to learn.

Xin (Girl Housemate 2)
She's the first person to move in on this very suite, So she understands the equipment and utilize them here better than all of us. So the dining room and kitchen were mostly hers. Although she's not in the good shape in terms of physique but she holds the most skills in cooking, farming, and household equipment. And yes, She cooks good meals. I really respect her. Her family members may visit this suite once a month I would say Xin falls into good care & healthy.

MZ (Girl Housemate 3)
On off-school days, she works at the mall I usually walks to. Employee of a female clothing store. Starting off this month I start visit and checks on her whenever I'm in the mall. Although she's the shortest of us all here. She holds almost equals skills as Xin like cooking. But in our eyes, She's the leader who organize and plans our meetings about spending. Oh yeah, also projects. MZ is a good learner in drawing.

YH (Boy Housemate)
Video Game nerds just like me, although not every game we plays are the same but we always have fun playing multiplayer games together. He's not the best in fashion and stylizing & also not really great with homeworks but he's always a nice person to become friends with. Although housemate says he is introvert but he's actually not. It just he doesn't talk much to the girls. That's why back then before I move in there's only him as only boy under the block and confine himself in his own bedroom.
He usually avoids spending with the household here. So he cooks fast meals and figure out to eat by myself. Funny enough, He's a good gamer but joins Music club. And always agree to go out to do sports with the other boys. His physique is pretty nice. Although skinny but good natural hairstyle and face. And sometimes his friends comes over to his bedroom and play together. I forgot to mention he is taller than me.

CHX (literally me fr fr fr)
He's the last one to move in this household, Although this man is probably the oldest (20 yrsold). Not always the best at cooking and household tasks but he could do those fine. Later months he doesn't talk much to the housemates due to him being absent most of the time on off-days. But most communication were done through group. Yes, we have a group that is dedicated for this household. Whenever there's cockroach breach, He have no problem dealing with it. Because all other are afraid of them. Slowly neglects the drawing homeworks and more towards work done through computers. Used to work back in hometown, and now he gone addiction to play at nearby mall's arcade even though he got alot of games to progress on his laptop.

Tin (Friend of Friend)
She's 2 of the friend that lives above the suite we are living at, Often hang out, do Group projects, or going to school are done together and I'm usually involved in them. making it a 5 girl-1 boy convoy, Her physical appearance bothers me. She's the skinniest compared to us all, Not to put it badly but she have a fragile body. She doesn't speak much and words are much more quieter. At the very least she have calm composures.

Yuo (Friend Of Friend 2)
Tin relies on her alot, Forgot to mention for their suite their suite is larger than us and only 2 of them are living in it. For physical appearance, She's alright but shorter than average height. Her intelligence and planning never compromises in projects with Tin. I would say, the best girl duo I meet in my life.

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