27 August 2023

10 0 0

I like I don't read the room at all...

I woke up at 11pm. I read the messages about my family arrived in the city. Including my younger brother too. But their purpose is my brother performing more shows outside his school. It's not the day for us to meet together but If I want to look for dad. I could do that too, But I decided to spend the day playing at arcade and shopping outside. Before I go out, I knocked on housemates doors and check on them then ask whatever they are planning today. For one, yes. It's the housemate girl whom I mentioned who turned 18yr old. I opened door and walked in quietly, She.. Is sleeping? It's going to be afternoon. Anyway, I guess I'll leave her be. My perverted thought of the day? physical contact while she is asleep. That is not gonna happen, anyway. It's kinda funny how we have these sad and negative thoughts maybe because we are not the director of our thought or something like that. But seriously, as much as sexual thoughts or bad acts in my head. I'll have control to what I do or behave asexually.

Here's progress in Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune 6RR, I am going to invest to fully tune up the "Savanna RX-7 Turbo SE Limited". I think I used too much just to finish today's Bingo Challenge with the friends there. but hey at the same time I am having fun. the downside is my bad habit of spending this much money where I could just buy a new game for my laptop. Even I have emulatlor ready on my laptop. 

After the day at arcade, I went back to the electronic appliances I checked on it and bought a reasonable priced standing fan. then assembled it back at my suite. I would say its well success, I even spent the efforts readjusting the position and furniture to the best then assembled the fan myself.  Would say certainly proud with the skills I picked up from my dad.

Fellow group assignment paper got stressed out we are going to show progress to teacher about our digital calendar which we did almost no progress on it at all. how are we going to convince we are working on it or lecturer will give us straight up 0 score for this assignment. I am like meh i am already insane sitting there relaxed smiling. Honestly speaking, most of the time when we are doing assignment I am just behind doing other stuff on my own than actually helping the group assignment but really I ran out of ideas, motivation and details to write. The most I'll write is the report how we are doing but nothing much with understanding or details of our Digital calendar. But at least we are having fun and happy messing around with these school stuff. Hell this is only 4% of my actual power it just I don't feel like giving my best effort to it. But honestly I should be the one who doing the handworks because out of all the members I am the best knowledges when comes to Computer software and tools...........

Ugh, I am tired from writing this I. I guess I will just keep it short and just simple details of today's events.

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