19 December 2023

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My brother is on holiday so he will be regularly playing his PS5. Anyway, I shouldn't let my emotion overwhelms me, Recent assignments puts on me stresses me. But In other perspective it should be normal. I mean, Just do your assignments nicely and it will be fine right?

So I got two assignment, Color Harmony Typography on a Poster. and Photography captures good photo that utlizes High and low shuttle speed. Lectuerers forgot that I have to be absent for that 2 days, Maybe my impression weren't good enough. So lectuerer think I be absent for my own selfishness. But they are not wrong when they put up the fact that this semester is short and gotta make it worth while in such limited time. Even Final assignment is coming already, That we have to manage a budget of product shooting using Rules of thirds, Composition, Angles, Lines, and alot of techniques to adapt to make a professional product shoot... Yeah, and it's gonna be briefed on us at next week or tomorrow.

Right, This morning by near 12pm. I can hear the common area of the suite while I'm in my bed hearing they are going out to college. I don't have class for today. So I am fine. Woke up, Plays Call Of Duty Mobile for a bit then head to bath. At process that I keep my mind and awareness in check how am I gonna improve myself and how pathetic I am living like this. Back then. I make money on my channel happily without worries. And now, I only come back to my channel just because I want to make money. But my parents is right that I should put times mainly focus on studies than YouTube channel. And my free time are constantly playing games. It just thinking how crap I am compared to before...

Recently all my minds are just worries about Budgeting, Budgeting, Money spend. Yes. I need to save as many dime as I can to live through till next YouTube revenue payment. It's not much but at least it help. Back then I earn 250$ as average and now is just above 100$ as average.

For this afternoon, Prepare to do laundry, Eat cereal and I should really work on my assignments. Maybe do Dailies in the meanwhile. Crap... I am running out of noodles, Breads, Snacks, Cereal & Milk... I need to survive through the budgeting... I should stop being depressed and do my assignments to beat it and deal with it. Or some other way to motivate myself with. Oh yeah, my family plan to visit me this Thursday but could be other day as well.

I guess I should be doing assignments with ambitions and future in mind, That I am doing this to reach somewhere. Gah, I am losing motivation to do it. Wanted to sleep at afternoon for real. But, when the brainstorm or idea, and found a way came through. I be enlighted in.

*continues working on the assignment*

While I am having confience doing my assignments. Yes, They should be coming out well, It just I cant take my mind off what lectuerer's expectation is and quality comparing to other students.Hearing noises from the kitchen.

 It's my housemate MZ, making herself Curry with Vege and rices. Now I recalled that I have laundry to do which is right beside Kitchen. Starting a conversation with her saying what is she cooking, Curry. Bringing up that I have a curry packaging and want to show her about it. She inspected it and said it's a ready made packaging, Just heat it and will be ready. And questioned that the rice cooker that and that. Doesn't matter, What I found out from this conversation is that there's this small rice cooker is prepared by the landlord, So everyone can use it. I thought it's from CDY and MZ themselves (Ownership issue). So I was wondering If I can make myself a meal with the rice and curry packaging after they done using it.

Either way, After the conversation and drying my laundry. I returned to working on the assignment.

There we go! I did it! Oh crap, It's 7pm Already, I should head off to have dinner and then go check out the mall. I felt satisfactory for completing just one assignments

When I was about to leave theres people and alot of people in the kitchen. YH's 2 friend, Pen, MZ are present in the kitchen. Seems busy and having fun making Spaghetti. Not really, Pen and MZ are just bystanders watching them while having conversations together.

I will cook the curry package my mom gave for another time then. Nah, screw it. Just boil some rice for myself, then try to make curry by boiling it and put some meat but I dont know how much servings can there be though.

Damn Amateur! I put too much!! Definitely wasted plenty , got plenty of attention and embarrassed myself. And even worse yet. The rice and soup is just burnt... I have to eat outside with these wasted materials. How sad, I called my mom about it and she will help me compensate it. Anyway, Its good thing my housemates witness it and with my honest answers to their questions. They appreciate the attempt to learn and cook from mistakes. Which kinda helps ease my mind a little but also embarrasses me. Either way, I am throwing this into the trash and eat out there even though its late as 8:30pm.

Anyway, I head out played for RM 20. Which is a bit too much but at very least I unlocked new color for my main car. Midnight Purple, but the thing is I havent done the photography assignment yet. But at least I finished the Visual Titles from Typography.

For tonight I played Lethal Company till 3am, which is not good.

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