21 February 2024 - With my younger brother

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We will check out before 11am, but for 10am we will head up to the top floor to enjoy the view. And wears my new outfit, When I woke up on the apartment bed. The sun lights was so bright it pierces my eyes but still comfy. I almost forgot I am where right now this building is high as cloud so I will be seeing constantly white fog as such.

Checked-out, and arrived to the premium shopping outlet, originally going for cable cars but my dad is saving it for another time when the family arrive at genting highlands.But the plan between me and my brother is buy a birthday gift for my dad a while ago. But found an outlet suitable outlet here instead of heading down the mountain into Kuala Lumpur city since time management is important so I still have to communicate where yo go with my dad.

A shop that sells shoes under the manufactur called Clarks. My dad and my younger brother headed there to pick which shoes my dad likes for him. And proceed with the fine leather and oak colored one that suits street clothing and formal outfit for his buisnesses as well.

My dad love the gift, My mom, my younger brother and me spend as much as RM 50 from each of us. When checking out by cashier, the employee mentioned there will be 20% discount for the second shoes purchases. Initially me and mom decides second shoes for my dad but eventually bought a suitable shoes for me as well. I somewhat insist the not buying a pair of my shoes. The new shoes I got from my dad is somewhat a comfy olive colored sneakers that matches well with the olive colored sweater I am wearing.

The rains fall heavily at 3pm as we exit the parking lot and head to 1Utama Shopping mall. The challenge for my dad is constantly S curves and up/downhill in tight corners safely. Where the rain making tires less grip traction across the wet roads. And he is somewhat proud with his Subaru SUV with a great sense of stability for a family car.

It is planned that after 1U, they will drop me off at my suite. Yes, It will be the tine where I will be staying at KL city and not able to meet my family for a quite long while as long as months. My mom and dad will miss me alot after my return. Of course, I constantly mention that I will take care my self well and spend wisely when I will be living myself. Of course, I will be somewhat missed the times I spend at home with family. Playing PS5 and eat with family in hometown. I mean, this isnt the first time either. Oh right, after spending some time in 1 Utama shopping mall with my younger brother I will need to return the T shirt I accidentally brought up with me and stored in my suite. I need to make a visitor pass for my dad and family to enter the land so I can handle my luggage easier.

Damn. I remember the time I expirienced VR beat saber and archery tomorrow and now my muscle and arms is stiff.

Hmm, I should write something about my family instead of how I feel everything. My dad is somewhat worried with paying my college fees for the next semester. It got more expensive, I keep proposing the idea of taking the money out my fixed deposit account so assist this financial of mine but he says keep it unless is emergency or needed to.

At 1 Utama, I expected the WMMT arcade there to be non functional but its working with lot of setback with broken transmission and power steering off.

But the main deal is the New Initial D Arcade installment that I can finally introduced with my brother. And he is very satisfied with it compared to WMMT6RR, he picked up the game very quickly and I can tell he is actually having fun. The best thing yet is we didn't pay a single cent playing this. Since first play for card users is free, we can abuse this by playing different cards. I have more than 5 bandapassport that can be used vice versa because of the NFID. My brother get to play more than 5 matches for free. Even won 2 local versus match. Time attacked with his Subaru GDBA, GTR34, Madza MX5 NA, and NC. I even used one of my card to play one match for free as well.

I still have to be careful with my attitude towards my dad because of impatient behavior though.

After my family gathered my luggage and dropped at my suite room we said our goodbye with each other. That I know well we won't be seeing each other for fairly long while, that Genting Highland trip. Ah, very pleasant. Well, I have to return with this lifestyle of KL. Oh I almost forgot. I called my dad that I forgot something for my brother before they exit the lot. It's my brother's T-shirt that time I accidentally brought it up and store it in my suite and he handover to me his Bandapassport and have me safeguard play his card in WMMT. I asked that if he's sure or not and reasoned that he won't be going to mall to play WMMT and only does when I return. Probably think its better for me to keep it for him. That after I asked him that in case he goes to the mall near hometown to play WMMT...

I don't wanna write too much but.. me and my family told each other that we will miss each other then we hugged it out and say goodbye with a smile. And promised that I will take care myself well and heartily work on this college education of mine.

I instantly hoped on the laptop and use it without organizing my luggage as such but of course I will deal with it later. Tomorrow, I will return to arcade to see my friends and ask Patrick about the drumstick he ordered. As well as registering for next semester with the college in person. Most importantly, say hello to them.

My dormmate YH asked me WMMT question related to monthly scratch car since he got it in 2nd scratch, which is right after I transfer the money to him regarding to the fees for student Chinese New Year event held in college on 23rd and February, which is the same day there's daily title I want to get in WMMT as well as Steam release Nightrunners. as well as other stuff happening in 23rd Feb

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