27 December 2023

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Finally got up from the bed a 12pm, the last hour I just play Taiko No Tatusjin Pop Tap beat on my mobile. I haven't take a bath yet. Which I should do.

Crap, While watching my discord friend Gamerguy plays "I am bread" my household complained my noise again. (Said the person who made lot of noises at common area last night through midnight) How comes my next room YH makes noise and nobody hears him? I gotta find a way to deal with this. SInce my buddy YH places his table and computer far from the door and towards the windows. Should I swap the place for it? It's hefty weight and work to it, it's possible though. I will think about it another time. Now I will eat something and come back to suite.

Instead of lazing around I decided to eat downstairs and shop food supplies as well. Since I got revenue from YouTube to spend, and best to leave myself hungry before thinking about playing or doing assignments. 

For this whole afternoon, evening and after evening. I been working on assignments, of course I still resist my urge to go out to play until I finish my assignments. For today, I designed 2 poster for Typography consists of 2 poster, Under the help of my online discord which happen also to he studying as designer. It was fun and at least not boring comparing to working on assignments alone. But it is still rather rushed since I have to speed it up using effective ways and bit of procas'. It works. As soon as I finished at 8. I immediately head out to arcade to play, which kinda missed my dinner.Today at WMMT, staying back and watching my fellow kid friend Adam got chance and win against 3 heavily skilled player adults. And it is very applauded to the kid, its pretty friendly environment I would say.

Since theres no activity at my channel. I joked about with my discord friends that they should help me work on the channel ROBLOX: Entry Point video. and then they sort of got motivated by it because I said I will share revenue from the money they earned on  my channel. So we did, One of my friend started with making a EP video by himself and have me edited and post it on my YouTube channel, it's actually kind of fun and interesting to do compared to play by self and bored out of it.

Later at arcade with my regular WMMT video game session

Maybe I was too harsh calling this person a retart that time in my heart. Everyone is human after all, Yeah... I wont mention who but he seems to be come more usually at this arcade. Yes it is still true he is better than me, but this doesn't mean I should be disrespectful to him when talking to him, My friends he knows seems be at bad history and conditions so most of the time they are distant when meet in same place. Maybe, I should apologize him someday or ask his phone number. So what happened? Yeah after closing time. The kid I know is named ADAM. Of course we dont know each other real name but seems to be close as friends that we helped each other and usually his dad watch him play talks with me. I was in a conversation between the person who I called him retart back then. Says that I am not weak but too defenseless and advices me to fight back and stand up against others. The conversation mostly went on consistently talking each other in Malay language. I only understood a bit most of the time stay silent and hear it out from his rant. Although it is convincing that he is a good person it just others treat him badly. I feel, learnt portion of humanity. Since I am aware I am introvert who lacks too much common sense and interaction between other humans. So there are times I felt like I am being used or something unpolite when talking to others.

But his words is right, I am too weak, and should be strong and be stand up against others. The more I think about it the more I doubt about myself. That probably I been joining the wrong group of people. But what I like about his part is that, even though he is not my friend. He brought the topic up about life and reality. That being addicted too much to this game is bad, and asks what career I am in and what I am studying which my other arcade buddies usually dont ask me about it. Yes, so is my parents they mentioned about focus on studies. And I am ruining myself If I dont take decisions the right way.

Next time I meet him, I will apologize to him first and actually respect him bit better while in conversation with him. I mean, Its not like I will ditch with my other group of friends to learn from him. I mean everyone just engage with his other like a friendly human being. Which i learned from his words.

Ah right, I thought about it. The person Who I refer before known by the name Nikki. Although he goes by this name with his profile in video games. But its better to address him like this.This person named "Nikki" is not his real name though. He is a pretty skilled player in WMMT arcade games and he sometimes appears at the arcade I go to. Wear glasses kinda tough big guy but with looks of business man.While I do not exactly know what is he about. But I know he often be middleman for Selling and trading valuable Bandapassport even in Asia Facebook group. And we group of people I often friends with him are sorta in bad relationships to the point they dont greet each other. He is pretty skilled in games and communication. I heard my friend ZX have complicated bad history with him. Nikki claim that there used to be business with ZX (Lisa) coop-orated but gone wrong with sales of Bandapassport involving quite a fortune of money and now distant each other alot..

For tonight. My housemate (CDY)'s friend came to the suite and her room also along other 2 classmate over for girl sleepover or nights. So there will be apparently noises and conversations coming out from her room consists of 5 girls in there. Of course I talked with them about the chilli dinner that didnt finish it so they actually nice to let me finish the leftover for them. Except that I have to boil/clean my own rice. It just feels a bit weird 1 man and 5 girls under same suite at moment but I am not engaging anyway, So I am staying at my room playing video games with online friend.

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