4 December 2023

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What am I doing, Im supposed be asleep today. I mean its 4:44am and I havent sleep yet. i spend too much time editing video and playing. Thank god I didnt wake up the others and I have first of class this morning last until afternoon. Either how I need to ask staff and teachers there for dayoff few days so I return to attend the funeral in my hometown.

The class ends at 11:30am Right now it's 11:00am. I am only able to make it for the afternoon class which starts at 12:30pm. Lets get to it, And today I need to do dayoffs to attend funeral for next few days. I really need to get my heads right. As I guessed, It takes a rough 30 minutes walk from my suite to get to College. Which also through pass the mall I usually go to. Missing 1 class should be fine, I have my reasons. But I know well I have to attend every class.

Heres more details regarding to my second Semester. Its Typography & Digital Photography, There's no good coming out if you dont communicate have conversation with other students. Since most of the students is here I should spend some time with them to foster relationship and such.

I got signature from both lectuerer that I be taking dayoff from the college. Yes, there be application form to submit. But I also have to write a letter why I am unable to attend the class this morning. Today's class for Digital Photography was quite nice, But I still have to fill out and submit the applicant form for absents of class for this morning and the few days later. But the staff told me to submit next Monday instead since most of the staff left this evening already.

After classes, There's this 2 friend of mine. One 18 (YH), and One 19. Witnessed them doing computer illustrator works on their laptop, for a job. That is Client's one time payment.

I only managed to sucess printing one of the WMMT contents I need for personal uses. I mean, I been interacting with the arcade game series Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune in real life too much. So, for the Time attack tune settings sheet paper which is good for new & old players that I used to tape it at my local arcade got vandalized and shredded. So I printed a new one, trim it out and tape it when I got there, and then the idea where I got days ago which is using Paper and Dual sided tape act as Custom Cover on my bandapass.

My friend caused a Glitch that he got a snap photo of No.1 Online Rankings. In WMMT. Everyone will go insane and wont believe if they sees it.

I called my mom & dad on my way home. They told me theres alot alot of people and relatives come attend the funeral of his big brother or the chief of my family. I will depart before 2pm.This means I need to be there before 12pm.

I just realized, My laptop is part of my life now. My studies, My games, My online friends, My workshop, My video editor. All here. Wish it can last longer than years and I have to take care of it. Because a single component breaks or virus could end it's own very sudden. And good reasons why I am aware that I keep carrying around this thing as my life. Anyhow, I need to eat dinner & prepare for tomorrow departure. Since Bus leaves at 2pm. Which mean it's best I get there through train stations to stations and tickets with time. Yeah, Depart at 11pm or something.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of JournalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora