21 December 2023

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Good sleep, I woke up with not much issue about tiredness even though I am dead and sleep late yesterday.

Just as usual, Woke up. Take off the prepared clothing from rack yesterday, Grab my bathroom essentials basket, head to common area bathroom. Bath and brush teeth. Eat cereal with milk and theres still a hour of spare time to walk to college or do stuff.

For this time, I exit the suite along with housemate girls. There was a conversation for 15 seconds but ended quickly and we walked partway naturally but of course they go eat first before going to college. Which I am heading to college earlier this time.

On the way, went through the busy shopping district. I met the same old lady that sells body care products to me same as yesterday. But what interesting is the Car dealership salesman. Showcasing Subaru XV GT edition which is the new one. I took two photos if it and the salesman who noticed me that I wear STi T-shirt, which is convenient. And we started a good conversation nicely. About how I get the T-shirt. I live in JH and come to KL to study. Got this T-shirt back then at car show somewhere in KL. And he introduces the new features and the overall new design of the car. Of course, I mentioned him my father drives a older version Subies Forester and he is interested to talk about it. It was mutual interest conversation about how cool and new feature the new Subaru XV that he might be interested if my father happy to buy a new car. Of course, after delighting conversation I told him that I got to college in time now and thanks for the talk that I will tell my dad about it.

Damn, KL have alot of cool and super cars even though its not exotic but family saloon one are cool as well. I walked to college and still have 30 minutes to rest or study in the student area before entering class.

Damn, Recently some classmates keep asking about my submitted assignment of the "Visual Titles" about the arts I submitted the other day. (Maybe because I submitted too early) and everyone just keep asking me what methods did you used? did lectuerer mentioned the condition for it? How did you do the art? Yes, there's this habits of most students here looking into other student's work for inspiration and ideas. Which was started with me for this assignment. Because since this assignment deadline is next week and I finished within a day. There's only 1 student submitted his assignment for this work. I looked him first and start to think up some unique ideas off it. That's how everyone started it I assume? My biggest concern is that hope it doesn't bring too much attraction/attention to me which does not help very well with my anxiety. And mentioned again, When I am seeing the classmates of mine doing his work, I couldn't see their screen so. I assumed they are doing the fonts typface custom assigment which I haven't work on it yet. And they replied with the word "It's the assignment you submitted" I immetidialty picked up they are talking about Visual titles.

Today's class was pleasant. And more assignments incoming , although it doesn't feel too pressured but I still have to do assignments though.

Just as I am heading out the suite's blocks. It started raining super heavy, thinking about last time it was so intense that my shoes and pants will be soaked again. The roads are literally small lake flowing down and puddles that anyone stands on it without carefully it will be death sentence for your clothing. Even if you avoid those the heavy wind that blows the rains are so good that umbrellas maybe cant help much.

Which is why I am staying at SKY (WMMT arcade veteran player who is married)'s autoshop. He is happening to be doing ads & promotion video shoot with taillights installation on a Toyota Alphard with other employees of his. And I am outside with my Nikon Camera taking photos of intense pipe water flowing down through the lake. Which the pipe allows the water falls and splash the ground like a waterfall. Which is the perfect photoshooting for high-shuttle speed shots with my camera. I snapped, if the settings are not right. Change it and snap it again, repeat. The right aperture, the right ISO sensitivity higher or lower shuttle speed this such but I am achieving high shuttle speed shot of water droplets so I have to crouch and hold still with my camera. Should have make it with a bipod though. Even after I am done shooting. I still wait for rain to fall lighter before walking off to the mall. SKY approached me and requested me to help him shoot a photo of the autoshop's Daihatsu Gino. And then replace/edit the background with some Japan scenery. It was sudden so I responded that with a positive that "Sure.. I can do it but I am not sure can I achieve a good condition by it" where I am trying to say I am nowhere as a good as professional & and Im amateur in photo editing. SKY also says that he also asks others about it but the response are "Its hard" "complicated" to do. I mean, personally speaking.

It is not hard. Just hard to achieve great conditions and requires some skills and efforts to do it. And I decide to do it with but Adobe illustrator or photoshop as a challenge or use the good ol' PicsArt. But since I am working as a Media Designer. I should be using the adobe programs, the problem is I am not fully working and utilizing the possible tools yet so. But with given time, I could try help with that. Anyway, as my mind thought I responded him that "I can try do it when I have time"

Even though I didnt play or spend at arcade WMMT. But conversation and research with friends there is quite pleasant Mainly because this friend of mine plays a few games using my main car from the Bandapass just for Time Attack and figure out what strategy and practice needs to achieve a good time attack. At the same time comparing performance and playstyle comparing to the car he mainly used. So on, car history blah blah blah. I challenged him (as fun friendly battle) his RX-7 FD vs my RX-7 SA22C to win "Rotary Championship" title. Oh yeah about the yesterday that the classmates of mine want me to lend them my bandapassport at arcade was postponed. Which is tomorrow instead, and then at midnight after I am done playing Counter Strike 2. My housemate YH want me to hand over the tripod to the classmates who who want me to lend them my bandapass. Its all connected right?

So tomorrow I will be handing over the Tripod to the classmates and then head to arcade with them to lend them my bandapassport and then meet up my arcade friend to challenge him in RX-7 match. All related to arcade man, but seriously after tomorrow I will have to focus on recent assignments. Its not hard but the hardest part is me putting effort and time into it. So lets have good rest before rough time comes yeah.

Last night, I fell asleep without turning off the lights. Not sure why but I think its my body want me to sleep late anymore and skips.

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