2-3 January 2024

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Wake up at 12:30pm, Expected bad sleep of myself. I was soo exhausted that I slept on the bed upside down with lights on, Its been quite some days that this semester keep having holiday.

God! It's already 2:30pm and I still haven't take a bath or eat since I was checking the new Dating Sim game I downloaded for my PlayStation Portable emulator. What's wrong with me...

After the lunch, I felt better already. Now I got some time before night I should dedicate myself doing assignments. Working on it is just torturing and burnt out. but the deadline is near either way. and later I will actually go out.

Although I only managed to finalize the Typography assignment but not Photography's Product shooting. Just some sketches and details left.

Since Christmas is over, I can notice that in the mall they are removing all the Christmas decorations. The stages, the hanging lights and tarps.

There was nobody at arcade, but it is pointless to stay either. So in short while. I played for 3 game of Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune with alternate card then call it a day. In a 3 way GUEST battle, I lost and placed at 4th. Of course I lose on purpose. Not sure why but theres just odd feeling to losing a match that is easy to win. Either way, I think I got assignments to worry about instead and plenty of games to actually play to play.

3 January 2024

It's been quite some time that I actually pay attention to the expiry date of the milk in the fridge. Which is close as 2 days before spoil. Pair it up with my cereal is not such a bad idea. Either way, Im not sure should I help my father with rent payment but even then it's not enough my power. Unless I look for part time job or work harder on my YouTube channel to earn more revenue at end of the month.

What was it? Ah right, Alarm sets at 8 but I woke up at 10:30 anyway after I shake my consciousness to aware that theres class today.

For this photography class, we will learn about lighting which will help us in general same goes for 3D animation. You see those lighting box with stand? theyy use a frabic to cover the light bulb to create soft lights.

Damn, it's raining again. Well, it seems everyone is not done preparing the product proposal so I am not the only one who is concerned about their assignment. Well, here comes more assignment. Its about Angles & Lighting photography but this I will do it with other classmates who scheduled to take each other portraits for the assignment. I mean, Teamwork is involved and far better.

I requested my senior Lyhan to return Bandapassport and will lend him again later because I got another discarded vehicle card in it from Navigator reward app. Later after they left the college premises we met again at nearby restaurant but man. They are stained by rain just to share small umbrella under it. I should have finish my stuff earlier on my laptop then go with them. Either way, we eat at the restaurant at same table and late sends off goodbye.

Later at arcade, with seemingly not many or even people playing WMMT, I sat down at perfect seat then decided to invest some playing the Bingo Challenge. Since after looking it what it looked like it seems people would really wanted it, not really my favorite but at least I can collect it and then combine Bingo balls with others. It looks very vividly neon rainbow colored. Patrick also came but he is happily to join in and do cooperate Bingo Challenge as well. Although I still spend the most. While we are conversing, Nikki actually show up and straight ahead asked me whether I completed Bingo Challenge or not. I said yes, and says thank you to me. Knowing that I am willingly to combine it with him later without me saying I can, its been few time like this and I usually don't mind but it is somewhat bothering me. That its like a routine that whenever we meet he will want to complete bingo challenge. With his excuses of too busy at work, later then he explained me everything live lessons and bad history between other players like my arcade buddies for instance. Claiming that he used to do card business with my arcade buddy ZX and his friends all seemingly bad history, claimed that he taught them before in this game and then tries to fight aggressively with Nikki as their "teacher". He claims ZX's friends broke his Story win streak on his car before because he lend it to him and worse yet that he lied he didnt lose Story win streak. Showed me his and his acquaintance amazing portfolio with luxury car customer service job. I do not stand anywhere ground with him so I just be a good listener to hear out his rant. Although his life advices were good but personality doesn't feel friendly, I can say he is easily mistaken by others.

SKY was there too overhear our talk, and battled him before.
Later after Nikki head back and introduce each other our name. Of course, Nikki he is still a bit hostile and scary but I decide to keep a good balanced distance between the arcade buddies friendship. I walk out the mall with SKY talking together, he mentioned that he have to shut the power off after he got beat by SKY to prevent progress being saved. SKY says Nikki just fear of shame and doesn't want bad records maybe not go on Navi or last place medals and probably shamingly beaten by non fully tuned non-meta car of SKY's.

I guess the lessons I concluded is that becareful who you interact with. Doesn't mean you have to cut them down entirely. But generally keeping safe distance. But making friends better than making enemies.

On my pointy right hand finger, There appears to be Beau's line grown on my fingernail. And I searched up COVID19 and other reasons that could be affected. I got jumped, I brought out the covid test box and performed test on it. And under 15 minutes of test. It was negative, I notified my parents the result about it and guessed over the call it could be malfunction.

Either way, Tomorrow I have to arrive at college early morning. Because there's assignments to be done with others using my digital camera. 5 portrait shot with different angles & lighting

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