29 September 2023

14 0 0

Few days later, I'm gonna return to my hometown. Home.

Now thinking about it, the excitement kinda awaits. Imagine you return home earlier than family anticipates. Seeing you sitting on the living sofa like old times is gonna be good. probably better suprises. The key to my home hidden away in my cabinet will finally have some use.

Also, It's no suprises YH have his girlfriend situated at his room again. I can hear the conversation between them footsteps away behind doors. But really, I shouldn't mess with their privacy. I will just leave him alone, But not limited to our team assignment. I still have to work on "Evolution Of Japanese Animation" myself. but technically speaking it shouldn't be a problem since my knowledge with Japan's film production still can be used but at the same time I still need someone to help me help fill out the spaces by looking up the information again.

When I'm at the arcade, Here we go again at WMMT diary (Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune 6RR) I met this regular who happens to be experienced players who have simliiar playstyle knowledge as me. When we are at conversation about him selling discarded card, He mentioned that banapassport is actually still selling near the arcade for RM17, quite the good price if you ask me. And I ran then bought it. which is good because this afternoon I almost wasted RM50 just to buy a new card which it saved me alot. I registered the card on a different device (Wangan navigator). and then have a few play for the GUESTS. Yes, this card will be mostly reserved for GUESTS play. So they can register or replay the existing car as they like and there's no risk of loses!

Oh yeah, this guy I mentioned earlier. He don't like the troubles of selling discarded vehicle card to others, because only newbies want it and it's a hassle to convince him others to buy it.That's true but if your cards are full which can only hold 5. If there's any more discarded you got, It will be simply lost because it's full ain't that be a waste and better if you just give it away to others instead for free?

Anyway,  Since we  both are preserving our money to play for later, I offered him to let him play the WMMT emulator with my laptop. Which happened for me to be carrying around it in my bag. And he is very excited when playing it. And then after hours to playing it himself, I kindly asked him if he want me to install it on his computer, and of course. He agreed it. Said I will copy the files to his file drive tomorrow. He said "With this, I won't have to spend too much money just to play at arcades" blah blah blah. I think I am too tired to write even more details of this event....

It just kinda hurts my brain. Let's just say I have to worry about my assignments, buying materials for it, heading to arcade and play with guest card, picking the files to copy for WMMT emulator,a nd then instructing him installation gudie...... uGh

Bonus: I gave the mineral water I just bought earlier to a evicted man on the street. I seen him a few times at same location weeks now

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