11 October 2023

23 0 0

AAaaaaaaaa Final assignments are pressing down stress on me.

There was a day where I got massive headache and I didn't enjoy much then return home and fell on asleep without caring much missing out playing with online friend. And now I got eye fatigues, Whatever it is. Now my eyes gets tired faster and It's annoying as heck like telling me this body can't tank sleepiness anymore and you now have less energy as penalty everyday.

I am in these condition right now so Imma just write everything I can then just drop dead. Although academy has gave us reasonably enough time to do all these assignments but I can't bring myself to do it. but it hearing the sentence "If you don't try you never knew". true but still.......

At least the time spent in college today wasn't that tiring since lecturer made the class free time just for us to do our assignment, Got extreme boredom after desperate moment trying to put efforts into one or few of my final assignments. although it's only 10% I would say that's a massive progress and I could call it a day. When I observe somoene's else work I feel like they just do 500% more better and efforts better than me. I am just not the aspiring artist as you think whatevr. 

So the fun part I did with the boredom is that using DS4Windows which is a program to emulate inputs using Playstation controller and I did. I actually did it. I used my Dualsense Controller to draw a Dualsense controller on Adobe illustrators. Where triggers as mouse clicks, square as middle mouse, triangle as delete, Joystick for movement and another joystick for Undo/Copy/Paste. Which is amazing, I can simutaneouly have fun and also do homework at same time. Although It's not as efficient with using a mouse but since I didn't carry a mouse that day and touchpad clicks were a hassle so I came up with this idea. Which is pretty freaking amazing. 

Anyway, After class. My housemates complains to me the other day that I moved and interacted with their laundry of drying clothes. The reason was the hanger racks was only enough space so I have to reorganize the drying clothing to place mine on the racks that involves moving them as well so they think It's inapropropite or unpolite to move girl's clothing laundry around as a boy so I guess that kinda make sense whatever I just make sure I don't make that thing happen in the future. 

Wanna hear interesting news about our suite? The entire Block is affected of no water supply. Why? Water massive leakage, causing Water not able to go into our suite which affects use of washing dishes, flushing toilets and taking bath. also drinking water. And the leakage that almost flood the ground floor cause Elevator have to be shuts down including the lights too. Making some stairs dangerous & wet to walk on and have to use stairs to go up and down. God bless whoever live above 20th floor they about to die and kill calories with this. Either way, If water supply doesn't come in tomorrow I gonna have this stupid idea of stealing swimming pool water then climb up 8th floor just to flush the toilet with that damn useless bucket.

I feel like I wasn't bothered too much since I have some water bottles stocked up in my room and I don't usually stay at home to do home cooking. So tomorrow I would be like going out shopping and play at arcade until night or somehting lol. But stilll ASSIGNMENTS saaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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