11 September 2023

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Class Notes

Industry Revolution, Lecturer provided us with a video link at first "https://youtu.be/NDTvCO5ifKo?si=HWewMVjR_mVbwQSq"

Neo (new) classicism (old), French Revolution from 1789 until the late 1790s. It's more revolved around Gothic and Society. Romanticism Age: focused on imagination. The art usually represents the battle between people and liberty/freedom. Font: "FAT Typeface", "Calson Font (San Serif)", "Wooden Type"

Francisco Goya - French Artist
Eugene Delacroix

During Industry 1.0, there's still people on war. (Art source: Saturn Devouring His Son). They invented the Steam Powered Press to create texts on newspaper. The Lino Typemachine 


Camera Obscura, utilizing mirror & lens. >|<. What projected is a inverted image into the darker room. Historian studied how lights is traveled such as Mozi, Lenardo.
Around 1700, these artist was using these tech to create much more realistic painting. Daguerreotype.

Heliography handled by Niepce when he passed away, Daguerro took over. Daguerrotype camera projects an image through mirror. But of course, they need water/mercury to keep the air away that's why you usually see these old camera comes with thin film so there will be no interruption to the image. This equipment is shaped like a wooden box.

Lecturer's video link: "https://youtu.be/d932Q6jYRg8?si=di-vLPc9J94_0TTD"
Mobile photo studio become a rage using photography, the exposure time was 3 minute so people have to use braclets and drugs to keep still. Around 1850s.

First ever Selfie, Robert Cornelius. Damn, Life is Strange 1 knowledge right there.
First Color Photography , James Clerk Maxwell. lmao "Maxwell Caufield"
First Image Sequence, Eadweard Muybridge. Capturing moving images of horses
First handheld Camera, Invented by George Eastman
First Digital Camera, captured image of baby, Invented by Steven Sasson in 1975.

The camera take up to 23 seconds to record. Using Cassetate Tape store up to 30 images, it's memory card is not permeant for storing the images.  "The options of the average person imaging is unlimited" 

First SLR Camera, The single lens camera. 


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Assignment: "Evolution of Cameras", Choose a camera brand like "Sony", "Canon". Lecturer wants us to search up till the backdeep of their history - Group Assignment, Present in 1 week (18/9/2023)

Ok enough class notes bullcrap time for my actual diary stuff

In this group assignment, Instead of teaming up with my housemates, And now I'm now mates with the nerdy boys just like me. Since they are like me. The likely sucesshood of this team comes out either 0 or 100. Some people remain in same good ol team or rotated around

Right now we will use the company "Canon" for this assignment we will pull out any information or history knowledge about this Camera industries and use it as presentation.

Now my dad has finished the documents both I and the academy needed for guarding fill in. Now I obtained my Student Card, It's not special at least I feel like I am part of a place I belong in now.

For this entire afternoon, I am just poking around the mall I often go. but most of the time poking the arcade. Recently just gave away the Pokemon Ga-Ol Disks I found the other day and claimed it myself. Around more than 30 disks were there. Not majority of it were Grade 4 but it's something. I only see those as collection. And I gave away some Grade 3-4 disks to the little kids who doesn't have many disks with his parent.

One thing to note that I got my first request of "Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune Meter service through Story Mode Win Streak". Of course we are acquantiance relationship so he knows that I am always there by everyday and I spoke to him before. He trust me with his $20 dollars and his Banapass. He lost few streak on few cars, and still goes with the Nissan GTR32. I wonder why though. He already have B class RX7 FD and he wanted to invest a R32 in it? I mean, It's his choice to spend his money and I should respect it. I guess it works out a favor Since I wanna play but doesn't have cash and I get to help out others then make friends. So it's probably fine for us. If his card is out of credit we will communicate through WhatsApp

Recently deposit some of my emergency money into my bank account. It's not much but I would already see myself financially broke to live with food. So I have to be really careful with my damn spending.

Oh right, Today Housemate's birthday. We celebrated it with a cake from her sister in our own suite with 2 invited familiar student girls here. Am I the one who interacted with girls too much?

Finally my mom's prepared Chlorophyll can be put into good use. I think I am lacking Fiber in my diet. So I will mix it in my water bottle. Did I mention I got my student card off the Academy today?  I am now officially a nerd.

Days ago, I bought some games. And now PAYDAY 3 beta is out. So not having games is not a problem especially my PS5's Life is strange game franchies and Gran Turismo 7. Forgot this my housemate boy is allergic to most fruits. Wonder how did he live out.

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