23-25th August 2020, Tuesday

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How's these days?
Sleep Deprivation Upgrades

23rd and 24th
Couldn't find days that have interests or unusual, but In these days all I mostly do is just. Gaming Live Stream, Past midnight sleep. Wake at around Noon. New achievement, Live Stream and Game for 9 hours different games like Entry Point, Grand Theft Auto V, A Hat in Time and Others. Also some home chores, My parent keep telling me to wash my school shoes I mean it's still too early so I did not. Which I only did at 1 day earlier, Too bad the weather and temperature is just not good to dry my school shoes which there was sunny and hot once but later it just cold and rain. Because of that, I forgot to dry my shoes under the sun. Eventually on return school day. I have to Wear my school shoes wet to school. Sorry, this details is a bit rushed because I don't remember much. Guess It's true that Sleep Deprivation cause memory loss.

How's Today?
Somewhat Interesting

Today's Events
A few days ago, I set a Deadline of "Save Rose Submission" in my Physical Intel Dealing Discord Setver which I shared a template for everyone to recreate and shitpost to submit a satire or funny way to save rose as the following picture. The deadline is Yesterday Noon. There's total 270+ Submissions and the event started from many months ago. Although the amount is not much but I compile it into a video on my channel today.

Recently, I made a Community post on my channel about a Q&A channel idea which comment with more likes will be answered earlier. I forgot to set a deadline When Ill be start answering the questions in community post. At my morning, I have the usual amounts of Sleep Deprivation which i feel very dead inside. Except that I am almost "dead" today. My right eyes hurts when I arrived at school. Man, How could I be more careless? Extreme Sleep Deprivation and Wet School Shoes.

Today, as usual. Cold Wind Breeze.. No, It doesn't matter anymore, But please be sunny and hot because My stockings is soaking wet because of wet school shoes and please let it dry. My feet feel only freezing cold. At the first few classes, Teacher release the exam result from recent exams. Here's the result:
• English - 67% Score (Highest In Class)
• Physical Education - 53% (High In Class)
• Mathematics - 13% (Very Low In class, sorry I tried)

About my English Exam compare to my classmates. i am supposed to be first place but not second place. There's this girl codename: A.X. You know I cannot reveal real name on my Diary so I'll put the codename I use. She score the same score as me, 67%. I was surprised that someone catches up so quick I asked my teacher for a second look in the leaderboard. Dammit, I feel like I cannot lose my Pride now. Because English is what I'm only best at and some average student is catching up to me real quick. Even my teacher wished me to score higher in Finale Exam. At second thought I thought August is Finale. Oh well, I guess I let my guard too much. Damn...

Afterwards, When Teacher asked me to check Chinese students's attendance. Because Not all Malays in my class recognize Chinese's students name so they let me do the attendance check. It was supposed to be my Crush's job. But she still doesn't come to school today. Oh well, Since I wanna be helpful so Ill be. I checked every Chinese's student except there's 3 Chinese Girl Student which I don't recognize their name. So I asked the girl "A.X" which Scored same English test as me. I am supposed to be shy to ask or interact with a girl, because I am soo Sleep Deprived I Ignored those thoughts of mine and thinking that "Hurry this Up,I wanna go back to sleep"

So about this girl. A.X, She may doesn't look too beautiful (Less/No makeup) but she looks smart. She shares a same habit as me. Which we only put on our Glasses when we only needed such as: "Looking at small details on the whiteboard, Focusing on class" I didn't even realize she do wear glasses. Right, Because I also rarely wear my glasses like her. Man, what are the odds? No, this isnt coincidence. Also Why Am I so interested for someone who shared same habits at me? No, I don't have crush on her it just I'm curious....

When she handed back my pen after checking the last 3 female student attendance. That feeling when she handed my pen back to me was something. A little something that I rarely feel, It's been months that I am so anti-social that I never interact with one of female student. Thus, I was very sleep deprived to mind those thoughts. Haha, No. I don't blush. Not that I don't wanna blush because I am often sleep deprived to show any emotion. Most other students just see me being emotionless and dead inside just because I am sleep deprived. So if she shares the same english score as me, same glasses habits but is she a Gamer or Otaku? Well, It would be weird If i asked so I decided not to. Later the classes details I don't mind or remember because I had the longest sleep In class. I can tell how long I sleep by the feeling of waking up (How heavier my body is) and the time on my Watch.

Before, I go home. There's more extra task than usual. Because most of the time. I am the last to leave the class. Because Teacher mostly asked me to clean the whiteboard, Help teacher carry their stuff like books back to Office or Hand back the Book Records of my class to Headmaster's Office because my classmates usually forgets it. Not to mention that my Crush is being absent recently.

After back home, My dad and mom went out to work so I'm just by myself waiting for Online class to start. As expected, There's no online class today because This online tuition teacher is not replying to my messages and only announce next month tuition fee and registration. I was wondering should I keep attend to this Online class? I need to think wise, Because I don't wanna waste my money or Be worse at class subjects. Damn, Well. I have to push myself to Do online classes. No regret or second thoughts, I was supposed to write this at afternoon but nope.

I wasted most of the Afternoon time at making the new video on my channel and eat lunch. So I decided to write this at Night. For now, I'll probably Live Stream GTA V or play others. Meh

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