7 January 2024

48 0 0

Crap, I fell asleep last night. Yeah its past midnight like 3am, and I left my laptop on with my Visual novels game running. Thankfully, its not resource intensive but still hurts my screen by leaving it too long.

Can't believe I continued playing it until noon. I should really eat, bath and daily objectives before continuing it. Man. It just a Visual Novel game for PlayStation Portable, Now I mentioned it, I used to have that handheld console before. It was truly a classic device, If I still have it now, I can play it whenever I go outside and play it whilist headphones plugged in. Poor me playing this on a emulator with PC instead. Well that ain't wrong if most games and work are done on my laptop. Since I am also studying media design, guess any computer is life now huh. But still I missed my old handheld console. Wonder if it's being missing, scrapped or stored somewhere because battery is missing? Yeah, I remembered that it is possible to play it without a Battery instead, it just you need to have it charging at all time. And even then a battery replacement is hard to come by.

Instead of going to arcade at night. I should try out at afternoon or day. Since there's probably more people at mall. And as long as I bring out my laptop with me, there won't be much problem doing my assignments or play video games right?

Felt flashy today. Decided to prepare my long black jeans with pink sweater on inner and black STi Car T shirt on outer. Think to go to mall like this. It's being 6 months living here and I realized the shampoo box is running out or seems light think I will add it to shopping list.

I guess I will leave the visual novel game progress paused here and continue another time, for some reason. I am interested in playing Visual Novels games instead of FPS or Action games

Lot of stress being put on my dad. He transferred me RM500 from after I mentioned about classmate getting a job. Of course, my dad asked me if its holiday. I told him not and he said its okay then. I think, If its actually holiday. My dad will encourage me get a job instead. Also recently, he's been helping out with my nephew stuff who my dad's eldest brother passed away.

At the arcade, I have a GUEST kid play my brother's WMMT car data aventator. I think 4 times. The aura color changed which my brother wanted it retains to be orange but hope he is fine with it although he doesn't care much about it.

Also he was battling (8 wins streak) another player who have more stars but less progress same car as me. For the funny, I secretly changed my aeroparts and color to match his then battle him. His skills is slightly different than me but it is cool.

My arcade buddy CHIA arrived to play meanwhile I sit somewhere near by the food court to continue the daily objectives with my laptop.

Either way, Me, SKY, ZX and CHIA just enjoy 4 way friendly battle as our arcade buddy group activity. Where involving a match of WMMT down Kobe area with 840hp.

I am hungry as hell in Night. Is it because I keep taking lunch and dinner then skips breakfasts? Well, time to do Fast noodle again. But this time, double the pack. But I am also concerned lack of nutrition. Sure, It can satisfies my hunger but not nutrition needs.... 

It's 12am already, Think I should sleep and don't stay too late since I have to get there in college by morning. But.. I want to stay on my laptop a bit longer.

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