28 February 2024

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Now I feel like I should invest less time in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RR. Well, it's not like I would quit that easily. I could regularly come back to the arcade to do terminal scratches and no need to spend a cent to play. And I could always relieve my addiction by playing the emulator version instead. Well other than that, I should really invest more time in something else better.
I know, Education & Assignments. But other than that I am talking about video games as such. For productivity, I can cook up something with making videoes because this also helps with my earnings from my YouTube channel, the hassle is just make videoes and do scripts and all but that is all about productivity.

Or play some other video games like GTA or PSP emulators.The trouble can matters later since 2 new class subject is coming up. Did I mention it? It's "English" ,"Color Theory", "Interface Design", and "2D animation".

Today's first class of "Color Theory" is fun and humourous. Except that before class starts I have stomachache probably because of the toasts I made and ate today. Also bring up the color techniques as well as color harmony that were utilized in this subject. For the assignment, We have to use pigments (watercolor) to paint a color wheel. With only 3 colors with mixture of black and white to achieve with it.

For the interface design involves Typography, Color, UI design all that (anything on screen is job so it come useful in future) So interface design can be used in the future. even vending machine have screens now. User interface. (as designer, we have to study all this, template, sizes, pages linking.)

The new score grade system, instead of marking up from 0%. We start at 100% score and slowly deduct it till end of semester. Senior says I look young despite my age. I think she is just nice.

I decided to stay longer after class within college since my dorm is hot and all and I don't want to go to arcade early either. Well, Now I got some assignments on my hand, Thought I should work on it.

When I washed my face before leaving the college. I looked myself in the reflective surface of the elevator. I see myself, question. do I really look good and young? I mean, come on, youre 21 years old. Enjoy your youth and you will regret it in the future.

Ever since I returned from hometown. The distance of friendship between me and arcade buddies except Patrick felt further now. I feel like majority of player who play this game is just not that nice to make friends with. I dont feel bad either, it's not like I hold grudge against them. Also better to make friends with better people instead. Patrick however he is actually nice. Either way, WMMT is the arcade that could kills me in life meanwhile games like Rhythm games kinda makes me more happier instead. But what about myself... I need to be better person like Patrick. Knowing that having a job and friendly personality. I should focus on my study too.. yeah, that. Alright, I will settle my assignments first before thinking about doing videos on channel.

After returning the dorm and take a bath. I came out seeing the 3 of the girl dormmate having quite spectacular dinner they cooked and dine together. Rice with alot of fries. As well as vegetables and meat. God, I wanna eat too but too bad Im not one of them and I won't trouble them to have portion for me.

Just as I was editing a picture to post it on Reddit about WMMT. I realized I could do photo edge and cutting more efficiently with Adobe Photoshop. I mean, It would be worthless if everything I learned in this college and not use it.

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