4 January 2024 - Gino

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Ah crap i woke up at 9:30 with phone on my bed instead. Did I unconsciously turn off the alarm?? I remember I placed the glasses and phone on a box next to my bed and now it appears on my bed. Man, I should like. Put the phone far away so the alarm can keep blaring while I have to wake myself up. Unless I can literally get up and turn off the alarm unconciously.

For the breakfast, I went for the Quick Meal option, Which is Cereal. But seriously I shoudl consume less processed food and more towards fresh food like breads. Basically perishibles, But what my budget and financial situations holds me back.I already have shopping list wrote to what I should necessary but hardly make myself spend to buy them. Yeah, just food supplies.Stuff I carry today is rathr heavier, My laptop bag with essentials, filled water bottle, my camera bag with batteries. Either way, I met with the gamers and nerds boys. Me and them are naturally friends, probably because common interests and interactions. Like surf through web alot and play video games very much. As I arrived, they already done the photography shoot for the Lighting shoot assignment but still happily to help me out with shoots with setup.

 Since Photography are usally teamwork and creartivity involve so i guess it encourages this factor in this subject. Of course, you cannot take a photo of potrait without someone since there's Cameraman and the Subject/Model. After all, we are all learning in same circles, Only with lighting shoot assignment is done though, But angles didn't but we need a fully dark room to achieve that shoot perfectly. So I proposed why don't we just use the audio lab from the college. and they agreed it's a good idea then confirmed we do that next week.

Before our actual class begins we just sat around library with our laptop playing games and managing files on our laptop. I asked question with them where can I buy a universal charger since this is an American inlet. But luckily one of the buddy have one to told me where to get it and he is fine to lend me to charge my Digital camera's battery. At return I offered to lend them my SD card reader adapter since newer laptop doesn't come with one so. They are delighted to use it to transfer images from SD card to their laptop.

During the class, My classmate Kelly told us there's a good meal combo with reasonable price at Burger King. Perhaps I should check it out and have it as Dinner after my Lunch. Also, It seems not everyone finalizes or even have enough progress on the assignments and the lectuerer is spending the time in class checking and assiting individual students with the assignments. Although I am already done and finalized it. But there's still plenty of room for Improvements. Surpizing enough. The nerds or internet people already done their assignment and nicely compared to fashionable peoples. Well thats kind of rude way to put it.

One of our final assignment for this semester is literally making a Movie Book out of it. this includes elaborating the characters like protagnist and antagnists then their voice actors. the plots. and about Behind the scenes. With images screenshot and texts illustrate a book out. And best yet, We must draw the cover with our hands I mean mouse on screens. |But since it's gonna be weekend later. Me and the boys I mean my nerdy classmates head to the mall's Burger king so check out the discounts combo and it is very good. On the way and through end we shares memes and stuff and then talk about them. Well assignment includes but it was all stressfree talk. It is always calm and relaxed when having conversation with this group.

Of course I don't go straight to arcade, Not with this heavy cargo of mine. So I went direction for going back to suite instead. I came across my friend SKY's auto shop again. With no customers around and free. I brought up the idea from last year of taking photos of his manager's Daihatsu Gino. And the request is taking photos of the car then edit out the background to put in Japan scenery in. So he can print out a picture in frame on the wall at the shop. So I agreed, as mutual arcade friend buddies terms there was no payment involved. So it just friend for a favor and it's not like theres deadline or he want it badly. So If I feel like it I can come and give it a go. And he did not hesistate it. He started the car and then position the car how he want me to potray to shoot with my Digital camera. Plenty was takens, SKY's employee is also interested and we have conversation friendly. After the shoot was done in multiple different angles, while SKY's parking the car back. the employee wanted me to take potratit photos of him. So I did, and he is glad he got high quality portrait photo of him. I sent it to him via social chat app.

Later the time, while talking about game and stuff that happening at college. I brought out my laptop and sat at their mechanic table to work on it with Adobe photoshops, of course I keep bringing up the status of mine that "I am just a student not a professional so I will try whether I can to make out good quality but cant be as good as others. But I i wlll try"

30 minutes passed and SKY checked on my progress. but knows my personality I get stressed and slowed work speed when watched by someone so he wait at his office until I share him the progress myself. Of course, It wasn't perfect or good enough he can see that. But he tells me It's all the learning progress. "No need to feel upset about it, Everyone on work and skills requires practice and knowledge to do it, even I work in this industry I am still learning and haven't master it you know" right after I told him frankly and said sorry / I was afraid that dissapoints you. But I feel even more relieved now. Well that's coming from a game veteran uncle. His actually nice. Either way, We are expected that we will meet again later at mall anyway though.

For this time I arrived kind of late at 9pm. I was having dinner then walked to mall to buy a Bandapassport, as again. It was for one of my navigator which got 2 discarded card recently and I want to link it then "take" it out.

I found out what is hol... No, keeping me back. Apparently sometime be older me can fix my corrupted mind. Ever since I moved to KL to study. Arcade, video games and my channel have been occupying my free time for very long time and I even went far just to buy books. But what I didn't is... Watch Movie & Animes, I felt new light that time I watched Suzume. And now at near 2am, Watching "SpyXFamily" and new seasons of "Kaguya Sama:Love is War".. Like before, back then these series have been stopped for long time and plan for return at new season at next year. Now I can watch them... I mean, Just like old me... Before I study in college, I spent alot of times watching animes. 

Watched till 5am.........................................................

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