1 December 2023

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I decided what to do today.

Take a bath, Do miles check-in with Wangan Navigators, Bandai annouced they will compensate us 700 miles for the time we didn't be able to check in because of bug.I can either have Fast Noodle as lunch a meal. But If the kitchen is not avaliable then I will go with Hot drink & Biscuits. Then eat out at cheap restaurant, I rather not sharing same presence with someone else. It will really give me anxiety and I will literally die. This is true for intorvert someone like me. It's not that I don't want to, It just I am being afraid CDY will talk stuff about me again or fully awkard silence. No I don't want those, Rather do something else to avoid it.Afterwards, Ready my Tripod for today. And head out to college. I get to meets to students there... Hold on... It's Friday right? This means College won't open today? or It does... I checked, They do. But not Sunday. I can get to meet & greet the staff members.
Use their Printer to print paper of WMMT information like Tune settings about the game again and others. Since the one I taped at arcade got damaged by others. And I have to do again for myself.

Before heading out to arcade, I could go for dinner within the mall or somewhere outside again. Meet up with the Malay kid, Scratch for new monhtly reward. If possible, Play with Patrick for the game about Taiko No Tatsujin. On Monday, "Sky" (The autoshop manager) want to bring me to Subang Parade not sure if its good to go with but best not? Because WMMT always means more cash burned.

My left palm is feeling fatigue pain. Im not sure what I did yesterday but It is slightly uncomfortable. Change of plans, My friends ask me to play CS2 so I will cook myself fast noodle and stay home till evening. What is this? Testicular torsion. One of my ball feel pain.

Anyway, I happened to be making a meal with fast noodle. I originally wanted to steal an egg from housemates but ended up not because that's just selfish. So I plan to buy a cartoon of egg.

Before I know it. Its already 7:40. Not much time to go groceries, No college for printing. I guess I could do that on tomorrow instead? For today, I will leave most of my equipments and laptop back at suite to reduce weights I am carrying on me. Only the tripod & umbrella. Instead, Since I am walking there to the Arcade pretty late I must say.

Well, I guess I will eat at the mall and arcade right away. Rounding up with some friends playing not exactly together but a well conversation together. The history of arcade games as such, I find myself wondering I should really make videos as I get him after knowing myself making WMMT clips might not be a good way to go. My channel got Decaying Winter & Entry Point fans so. I should hear out my audience If I wanna make a pocket money out of my channel.

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