24 February 2024

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Feel like wanting to play at arcade today but I should restrain myself. I mean, I could play the emulator one, Not to mention Nightrunners Prologue is now released on Steam. and should play that. Not only if that not enough I got plenty of games installed to play. Yesterday emulator session is good, I can mess around the car files of WMMT and play car models that cannot be played normally.

For today's Breakfast and Lunch. The leftover fried rice from yesterday will certainly do. A simple microwave reheat is all I need.

I spent the whole afternoon and noon doing my personal interests in capturing images of WMMT game default car models meters.. The leftover is enough to keep me fed until dinner.

My memories get worsen every a while, probably my oftentimes lack of sleep or sleep deprivation. Nothing much going at arcade either, it's everyone who is busy or change of minds. Well at least, Patrick came and play with me today in arcade. We both respect each other by times since his job starts soon and my semester is starting. For some reason, meeting newcomers and helping players at arcade has become a habit of mine. And I still have to watch my spendings every game session.Come to think about it, Nightrunners is released on steam. Thought I should give it a try when I got back to my dorm.

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