2-3 December 2023

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Just for playing old need for speed games. I stay up till 4am. I think I am destroying my sleep habits and my games. I will need to be healthy and make videos if I can. Thats I need to remind myself

It's 4:30pm, I only have biscuits this morning and I seriously need to eat a meal. I cannot just put it like this. I have to eat dinner and lunch, At some time It will hurt my mental health. And now I just reached peak Burnt out and mental tireness by making one bad video. No time to waste.

At 5:30 I will head out for food supplies groceries before I head to mall for dinner. Surprisingly, My friend's autoshop got a Ferrari customer. Which is a rare sight, It seems to be he is requested to replace some speakers panels for his Ferrari car door. 

This noon, I got notified by my father through call. That his big brother passed away, Is also someone I know. And our family always have close relationships with them. I can hear my father crying, I dont have words for it. So this means I have to appoint excuse to break classes and return to hometown by bus.My dad's brother passed away because of heart attack. Losing family members will eventually happen one day, One day is the nephew. Sadden to hear my second grandfather says how can he "leave" without him first. This type of sentence I remembered a long time. The more I think about it, The more I will feel sad about it. I will save the tears when I get back to hometown and meet them in person.

I generally have no words what to say when it comes to someone passes away or Funeral. The best I can say is how good was he. Looking through my next semester schedule. Tuesday is an empty day. Only I got classes at Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.This means I will depart at Tuesday's afternoon. Buy bus tickets using TBS. And tell the staff and teachers that I can't come because of this matters. This will do.... Before I book a ticket, I should take a bath, eat breakfast. makes my head clear.

At the same time I felt ashemed to fail my mom promises that I have unhealthy sleep habit, Wake up at near afternoon. And late sleep near 1pm. I should somehow push myself to sleep.

I been hearing out some people make their stickers and cover for card with a small price. But I could make my own custom one right? I mean DIY, It would be dual sided tape and paper. it's not high quality but If I could print it out on Edited with A4, and then trim it with scissors.

This is the fourth time I went to bath without a towel, and everytime this happen. I wear the dirty clothes to dry and only change to new clothing when I enter my room.On discord, I was having a conversation with my friends about TnG Visa Card, and then Bandapassport, and then Bandapasport Cover. Yes, If you want to customize or cover your card with a picture. There's sticker printer or people sell them on website. For me, I have a DIY idea about it. I could print it out as paper, Trim it and then dual-layer tape it onto the card. The work is not high quality but it is certainly custom & cheap to make. Since I have basic knowledge of using Adobe Photoshop. I could work on it, or just use the good ol' PicsArt on my phone.

Yesterday, I didn't buy a carton of Egg. Because it's not something can be bought at convinient store which is stupid of me. Supposely be Grocery store where fresh fruits and vegetables. including Meat be at.

Most of people and experienced players I know and friend with meet up together at same arcade and have friendly battles together. Pure wholesome here. Love it. Theres CYX, ZX, SKY, Alvin, ZF. And theres me. Although I didnt join much in their battles because I am saving my money from this arcade game.

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