1 February 2024

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It was a rough sleep, wake up at 12pm , eat at 1pm. head out to 2pm.

While I am eating. My classmate DM'med and want me here to be at college. He was expecting  me to be here by 12pm, it's about helping each other in the Products Photography assignments. Although we didn't promises each other but we know we will meet and assist each other anyway.

I call him "K", He is talented in music but troubled in doing graphic design work. Of course I didn't mean him bad by any it just we occasionally help with each other. That's all that is.

As I can see for the entire day, the streets is always traffic jams. Figured out why, It is February of 1st and alot of chinese is returning for Chinese New Year. I contacted my family and mentioned planned for myself. I will book a bus ticket and return by February 5. That means I will have to settle stuff I need to do before that like assignments, packing before I return

For today, I troubled K to take me back to my suite and I never know he drive himself a car. But we have fun conversations with each other.

I know I am having fun but it's 6 am already lol. Oh I think I dealt with a Virus that changes files folder into exe, which I know it's been hidden away. spent sometime playing Hatsune Miku Colorful stage on my phone. I forgot I still need to come to college tomorrow as well as buying a ticket for bus.

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